jerzanka Member


  • If you excercise a lot you might be getting your muscles. Muscle is heavier than fat (simply compare 1kg meat to 1kg tard). You may loose your body fat but still see no progress on the scale (or even get heavier) but your circumference is getting smaller. So grab a tape measure and track your pants size :smile:
  • Sarah: it's a great motivation for sure. Mine is the same: to be faster, lighter and to jump higher. Fortunately dancing is a great fat burner and awesome for muscle building. I don't see much progress in my weight, but recently I bought jeans one size smaller than I did half year ago :)
  • Hello everyone :) I started my adventure with dance year ago when I joined a semi-amateur group of Irish and Scottish dancers at an University in my city. Now I am lower primary in Irish and still progressing ;) My dream which at my age might never come true (but still it gives me lots of motivation) is to compete at a…
  • Walking is always great! I love to walk with my friend, we mostly go to the woods and just walk in silence. I also like to swim, but I hate wearing swimming suit in public, I have really ugly legs and I don't like the way I look, so it's kind of problematic. Dancing is great too. I generally like winter sports such as ice…
  • Hello Hoofers! I'm Anna, 22, and I'm dancing for almost a year- Irish Soft and Scottish (Highlands and ceilidh). Next week I start Irish Step course and I can't wait for it! For me it's the best activity, together with ice skating. I have no chance to become a professional dancer, but I do it for pleasure only. But to do…