

  • I have the lesser expensive ones from Academy, and they work fine for my needs. Adjustable weights are a little bulky though (I would imagine, no matter the brand), but I guess save money and space in the long run. Edit: Okay the Sears ones mentioned above seem less bulky than mine. Mine do go up to 50 lbs. each, but I…
  • Please be careful about staying in an emotionally abusive relationship. Besides the damage it can cause to your personhood. In the end it can have a negative effect on your physical health goals as well.
  • This may have already been addressed by someone else, but this author states that Atkins is "no-carb" and that is just not true. Atkins is all about protein and low-glycemic produce, and waiting until maintenance to add in whole grains.
  • I have started taking an antacid (Xantac), and it seems to cut down on the uncomfortableness that seems to trigger me. I think I may have been getting the acid feeling (from overproduction) confused with hunger, and then eating to make that discomfort go away, which it wouldn't, and then I would continue eating, and around…
  • Okay, embarrassing: 1st - Huey Lewis and the News Last - Pink Floyd (many years ago) Next will be taking my daughters to see Owl City.
  • I think it is absurd that anyone thinks that there is an arbitrary age for a child to be old enough to have a phone. When I upgrade, I pass my phones on to other family members, including my children when I deem them responsible enough. No one can make that judgement accurately about someone else's child. Frankly I've…
  • I will be having VSG surgery on 8/13/12, about a week and a half away. I start my official pre-op liquid diet tomorrow, though I elected to start it a week and half ago at 3 weeks prior to surgery. I have lost 7 lbs. since starting it. I really find MFP to be a great tool. Thanks.