If you saw a ten year old girl with an iPhone....



  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    I think it is sad that kids rather play on iphones, ipads, nintendo, etc than be outside playing a game of kick the can, or capture the flag.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    As a writer, I like to be surrounded by REAL books. You can't put 100 pounds of e-books on shelves in your home and you can't hold them in your hands. There are pros and cons when it comes to e-books, but I will never be someone who will read them in place of the real thing.

    And plenty of writers get published and widely read in the traditional format.

    It's just starting to look bleak at so many book stores are getting shut down across the country. I miss my borders. Barnes n Nobles doesn't have the selection I like as much either. :(
    What a crock. My husband reads financial books -- REAL books, not the kindle stuff and I read other fiction books. While I have the kindle app on my iPad I download books when it's something that I want to read right NOW and don't really feel like waiting the week for it to arrive. If I can wait then I'll get a regular book. I also love to browse the shelves at book stores and can spend hours there just looking. I don't think books are going to be obsolete because most authors are old school and won't go that way. Those who do are self published because it's easier and cheaper to go the ebook route. Believe me if when it comes time for me to publish my novel if I run into enough of "no's" I am going to seriously consider the ebook self publishing route to get my stuff out there.

    What is it that you write or will be writing?

    Good on you guys. :)

    I think out of of the Writing majors I studied with, most like traditional books. As do the Library science majors and English majors. It seems to be everyone else who wants to "go kindle." My grandma even got a kindle knock off for Christmas from my mom. Come ooon! I felt slightly betrayed, I can't lie. >.<

    I'm mostly a fiction writer of realistic character pieces. I used to write fantasy but my professors kinda beat that outta me (except for Sci fi lit prof, he loved it). I can't write fantasy as well as I used to. Maybe the real world has me too bogged down. Most of my pieces have some theme about gender roles or disabilities. Christian writers got rather upset with me for writing a more feminine male character buuuut that's another issue altogether. :/
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I think it is sad that kids rather play on iphones, ipads, nintendo, etc than be outside playing a game of kick the can, or capture the flag.
    I was born long before iPhones and home computers and I've never played kick the can. What is this, 1950?

    I think the point is that now days kids just sit inside on their butts watching tv, playing computer games or play station. No one goes outside to play any more which is probably why kids are so obese.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    My daughter just texted me to let me know that someone just gave her hell for "playing with her parents iPhone"
    This is truly insane, by the way. Not only did she assume it wasn't the kid's phone, but that she didn't have her parents' permission to use it.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I think it is sad that kids rather play on iphones, ipads, nintendo, etc than be outside playing a game of kick the can, or capture the flag.

    too many over protective parents not letting their kids out in the neighborhood. what else are they going to do?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I used to write fantasy but my professors kinda beat that outta me (except for Sci fi lit prof, he loved it).

    Wait, what? Why on earth would a professor do something like that?
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I think it is sad that kids rather play on iphones, ipads, nintendo, etc than be outside playing a game of kick the can, or capture the flag.

    too many over protective parents not letting their kids out in the neighborhood. what else are they going to do?
    Play a nice game of jarts...
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    I don't like to be judged so I would not judge!
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    without reading all other comments. I see no problem with a rugrat having a phone. An iphone is definitely overkill because in my opinion, it serves as entertainment more so than a means of communication.

    Yet it's none of my business.

    An iPhone also isn't much more expensive than a regular phone anymore. It's 100 bucks with a 2 year subscription. I really dont see the big deal.

    Cheap for digital entertainment. Expensive for communication. But as stated previously, it is merely my opinion.
  • Jeanetta10
    Jeanetta10 Posts: 74 Member
    It's nobody's business. I'm much older, so my kids didn't have them, but how great to be able to call and check on your child when they aren't home. Would be better if you could put a tracking device in it, and I would monitor all texting and pictures.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I think it is sad that kids rather play on iphones, ipads, nintendo, etc than be outside playing a game of kick the can, or capture the flag.

    too many over protective parents not letting their kids out in the neighborhood. what else are they going to do?
    Play a nice game of jarts...

    Now there's a game that got a bad rap! I loved Jarts!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Our school has a "classroom set" of textbooks (which cost nearly $90 a book three years ago)....they're falling apart already. They simply don't make books like they used to PLUS they are VERY heavy. I've been teaching 16 years, and I'm amazed at the lack of quality(construction). That being said, we also have eTexts for all kids; it's very nice because if a students struggles with reading, he/she can listen to the story while following along. Our school is planning on integrating iPads this year, starting with our ninth graders. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE holding a book in my hand, but publishing companies are making it very unaffordable and the quality (of construction) of the texts today is shoddy.

    Fair enough. But if any of my future kid's friends don't know what a book is or never held one, I'll weep for this country. "Oh, I never read that book but I liked it on Facebook after reading the synopsis on Wikipedia." *shudder*
    ive used my Kindle a lot and never had a glitch. but if it did happen im sure the easy fix would be to re download the book.

    the battery lasts a long time...and the warning light gives you at least a day of warning before it runs out(mine has never run out)

    i dont care about author signatures but there is something that they do use now in place of the book itself...a plate or something.

    and yes piracy will be more of an issue but as i said before most writers in the past never had a chance to expose their work to the world. now you can put your book on Amazon and if its good people will talk about it. the problem is there is a lot of junk to weed through.

    Or you'd call customer support. "Hey, I was reading Twilight and I was right where Edward sparkles for the umpteeth time and then my next page wouldn't load. What do I do?" I wouldn't want to be the customer service rep, I probably would have said that the error is a blessing and go get a better book. :P

    Oh boy, a plate. Now I can eat on R.A. Salvatore's signature plate. :/

    So I'd put my blood, sweat and tears into a story, then put it up online. One person would pay for the download, then distribute it illegally making sure I never see another dime. Thanks a bunch, internet. :sick:
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I used to write fantasy but my professors kinda beat that outta me (except for Sci fi lit prof, he loved it).

    Wait, what? Why on earth would a professor do something like that?

    Not physically beat it out of me. But pretty much turned their noses up at the genre and would fail most of the students who tried turning something in of that theme. Basically, fantasy isn't for real writers.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    My daughter was 10 when she got her 1st cell phone. I wouldve been pissed.I wouldve told them to mind their own f@#kin business and not to worry about how I raise mine. Theyre probably mad b/c they cant get one. lol
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Fair enough. But if any of my future kid's friends don't know what a book is or never held one, I'll weep for this country. "Oh, I never read that book but I liked it on Facebook after reading the synopsis on Wikipedia." *shudder*
    All of the babies I know received several books at the baby showers, before they were born. I don't think we're in any danger of someone not knowing what a book is.
  • Mom_24
    Mom_24 Posts: 7
    I think it is absurd that anyone thinks that there is an arbitrary age for a child to be old enough to have a phone. When I upgrade, I pass my phones on to other family members, including my children when I deem them responsible enough. No one can make that judgement accurately about someone else's child. Frankly I've found that hand-me-down phones are the most economical way to go about it for, because then I don't have to sign a new contract for the line I am transferring it to. Besides, what the heck should it matter to anyone else what your family's needs are, regarding communication, parenting, etc. Crazy!

    If my daughter becomes irresponsible in her behavior/attitude, the phone is the first thing to go. This teaches here that with privilege comes responsibility.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Oh boy, a plate. Now I can eat on R.A. Salvatore's signature plate. :/
    You are joking with this, right?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I used to write fantasy but my professors kinda beat that outta me (except for Sci fi lit prof, he loved it).

    Wait, what? Why on earth would a professor do something like that?

    Not physically beat it out of me. But pretty much turned their noses up at the genre and would fail most of the students who tried turning something in of that theme. Basically, fantasy isn't for real writers.

    LOL! I knew you didn't mean physically beat it out of you. :wink:

    See, I think that's just wrong that they would do something like that. I have not gone to school for writing, it's just something that I do in my spare time but if anyone told me that what I write isn't for "real" writers, I'd tell them where to go.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I would wonder why a 10 yr old was out unsupervised but not say anyting cause if a parent wants to give their child a phone it is up to them
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    why are you asking the internet? you're going to get a million of useless responses. What choices you make regarding your child's cell phone use is not some kinda situation that warrants people's input.

    Those people who smack talked you in front of your daughter were in the wrong, plain and simple. The only time it would be appropriate for someone to do that was if you were abusing your kid (I have seen strangers yell at parents for hitting their kids in public and that is awesome sauce).

    End of discussion.