If you saw a ten year old girl with an iPhone....



  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    I don't care either way about the possession of an iPhone. It's the manners with which the child interacts with me that will make me judge parenting... but I won't say something to the kid about it unless the kid is directly nasty to me. If I am shown disrespect I would probably tell them not to speak to people that way and leave it at that. Cell phones aren't the same as they were when I was growing up. You can get an iPhone 3gs for free now, or equivalent, unlimited data and text plans, with parental controls. Who am I to judge if the kid or parent is responsible or not? And if *nothing* else smart phones are a great tracking device, in case god forbid anything happens to your child.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    My son has a cell phone. He is 12. He's had one for a year now. He doesn't have an iPhone because I'm not paying the extra $40 for him to have internet. He can talk and text and that is limited :) We do not have a land line and since he's at home by himself, it is necessary for him to have one. He has to finish his homework etc. before he can have it while I'm home though. I don't think it is bad for kids to have cell phones as long as there are limits. I myself don't own an iPhone and probably never will because I prefer Droid :)
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I wouldn't say anything to her...but I would definitely think 10 is too young (in my opinion).

    I didn't have a phone until I was 18, and could pay for it myself.

    I remember being a kid in middle school and getting yelled at for holding up the housephone for hours talking to my friends. I can imagine what my kids would do if they had their own phone. :noway:
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    It was a joke. Of course you don't have to need something to buy it if you have money. And to clarify, I don't like the iPhone because of what it represents--a society obsessed with buying trendy, disposable garbage because they want to fit a certain image. I was talking more about kids than adults.

    im not sure of the motivation of teenagers when buying phones these days but i dont see too many adults buying phones to be trendy or as status symbols. (thats so last decade) everyone has one and they all do about the same thing.
    That's what I was saying, it's younger people. Everyone has one? Where do you live? :huh:

    Phoenix. are you saying there are adults out there that dont have a cell phone? i find that very hard to believe. where do you live?
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member

    It was a joke. Of course you don't have to need something to buy it if you have money. And to clarify, I don't like the iPhone because of what it represents--a society obsessed with buying trendy, disposable garbage because they want to fit a certain image. I was talking more about kids than adults.

    im not sure of the motivation of teenagers when buying phones these days but i dont see too many adults buying phones to be trendy or as status symbols. (thats so last decade) everyone has one and they all do about the same thing.
    That's what I was saying, it's younger people. Everyone has one? Where do you live? :huh:

    Phoenix. are you saying there are adults out there that dont have a cell phone? i find that very hard to believe.
    No, we have cell phones, I thought you were saying everyone has smartphones. I live in Delaware for the most part.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I would think something like "Jesus, that kid has an iphone at that age" but I would not say anything. If you want to buy your kids expensive gifts, thats your choice. I buy my 6 year old leap pads...whats the difference?
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Hell no.

    My 2-year-old daughter has an iPhone.

    It's one of our old 3GS's. We keep it in her backpack so she doesn't have to occupy one of our phones playing her games and the babysitters don't have to dig for our phone numbers. Ours are the only contacts in it so they can call us or text us and it doesn't go against their cell phone bill. We've gotten nothing but positive reactions from it.

    I think the importance when teaching your children about cell phone use is to take the same approach Europeans do when it comes to alcohol. It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal. If you teach your children that it's just part of everyday life, then you can teach them how to use it properly.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    My child is 10 and I bought him an iPhone.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    10 years old is usually a 5th or 6th grader, depending on how old they were when they started kindergarden. In my opinion, that is not too young to have a cell phone, with restrictive use options of course. My daughter had a phone at 10 and there's plenty of times plans would change and the only way I knew was because she called me and let me know. Example: I would usually pick her up in a certain spot after school. A fight took place close to where herself and other children were waiting for their parents. Once the fight was broken up, the waiting children were asked to wait in the cafeteria instead. Without her having a cell phone to call and tell me she would be in the cafeteria instead of where I usually pick her up, I would've went crazy when I pulled up and didn't see her.

    As far as the type of phone, that's up to the parents. And you can't assume just because it's an I-phone that the parents spent boo-coo money for it. I just recently renewed my contract and was able to get myself and my daughter I-phones for $50 once all the discounts, online bonuses and renewal credits were applied.

    Bottom line, quit assuming things, worring about other people's bussiness and tend to one's own. It would've been a complete misunderstanding had someone did to my child what happened to yours.
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    Thinking more on this (as I don't have any children). I think that there is always a reason for a child of that age to have one. Like staying in contact. Parents are separated and it's a good way for the child to contact the other parent if something isn't right. They live in a BIG city. As for me. I don't live in a very large city, so really I could see a child having a phone on some of the trails as well. In case of an emergency or something. Still... not my child, so it's not up to me. :) I'm sure the parents of said child know if they are ready or really do "need" to have one. Still not sure an iPhone is the way to go... heck... I have one and I can't count how many times I have dropped the thing. I'd want a kid to have something a little more... should I say... durable? Yeah... yeah that's it. :wink:
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    It was a joke. Of course you don't have to need something to buy it if you have money. And to clarify, I don't like the iPhone because of what it represents--a society obsessed with buying trendy, disposable garbage because they want to fit a certain image. I was talking more about kids than adults.

    im not sure of the motivation of teenagers when buying phones these days but i dont see too many adults buying phones to be trendy or as status symbols. (thats so last decade) everyone has one and they all do about the same thing.
    That's what I was saying, it's younger people. Everyone has one? Where do you live? :huh:

    Phoenix. are you saying there are adults out there that dont have a cell phone? i find that very hard to believe.
    No, we have cell phones, I thought you were saying everyone has smartphones.

    i am saying everyone has smart phones. i cant tell you the last time a saw an adult without a smart phone. where do you live? 1990? :)
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I got my first phone when I was in 6th grade.. however old that is. It was a basic (what WASN'T basic back then?! lol) phone, black and white screen, not even flip... But my dad gave it to me so that If I ever had an emergency I could call him. I didn't use it for fun, I wasn't allowed to call friends or even Text. I agree with what my dad did. I would do it for my children, nothing like a smart phone, but something basic. Its all up to how the parents fill. Whether its for their entertainment (iphone) or just to keep in touch, basic of the basic type of phone.

    Either way, no one should have said ANYTHING to your daughter, honestly it doesn't surprise me to see 10 year olds with Iphones.. I had to buy my first smart phone like a year ago (and I'm 23) bc my dad is anti technology. But it made me grow up having my own phone bill.. its however the parent decides to raise the child.
  • Cortbear80
    I have two 7 yr old girls and personally, I would not buy them a phone only because I know they would not take care of it. HOWEVER, my twin sister has a three year old daughter who owns her very own IPOD. She was 2 when her dad bought it for her. I found that strange but she is supervised with it at all times and they only have children's books and children's games on it.
    My point, i've seen younger than 10 yrs using phones and I did say something but I realized it was really my place and so I don't say anything anymore. My kids are the only ones I really need to worry about. Now, if someone said something to my kids about it I would tell them to mind their own business. NO one talks trash about my kids. But this is just my opinion. I hope this helps.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member

    It was a joke. Of course you don't have to need something to buy it if you have money. And to clarify, I don't like the iPhone because of what it represents--a society obsessed with buying trendy, disposable garbage because they want to fit a certain image. I was talking more about kids than adults.

    im not sure of the motivation of teenagers when buying phones these days but i dont see too many adults buying phones to be trendy or as status symbols. (thats so last decade) everyone has one and they all do about the same thing.
    That's what I was saying, it's younger people. Everyone has one? Where do you live? :huh:

    Phoenix. are you saying there are adults out there that dont have a cell phone? i find that very hard to believe.
    No, we have cell phones, I thought you were saying everyone has smartphones.

    i am saying everyone has smart phones. i cant tell you the last time a saw an adult without a smart phone. where do you live? 1990? :)
    Actually I think my friend was the last person on the planet that didn't have a smart phone up until a few months ago.
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member

    It was a joke. Of course you don't have to need something to buy it if you have money. And to clarify, I don't like the iPhone because of what it represents--a society obsessed with buying trendy, disposable garbage because they want to fit a certain image. I was talking more about kids than adults.

    im not sure of the motivation of teenagers when buying phones these days but i dont see too many adults buying phones to be trendy or as status symbols. (thats so last decade) everyone has one and they all do about the same thing.
    That's what I was saying, it's younger people. Everyone has one? Where do you live? :huh:

    Phoenix. are you saying there are adults out there that dont have a cell phone? i find that very hard to believe.
    No, we have cell phones, I thought you were saying everyone has smartphones.

    i am saying everyone has smart phones. i cant tell you the last time a saw an adult without a smart phone. where do you live? 1990? :)

    Hah! My BF has one of those super old Nokia phones... you know... the ones with the green screens? yeah... :laugh:
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I don't see why a ten year old needs an IPhone. I didn't even get a cell phone until I was 18 and the only reason I got one was because I was going to be moving out and wouldn't have a landline.

    And I also frequently drove 2.5 hours to visit my boyfriend. My family had a spare pay as you go phone that I took with me when I was driving but I had no use for my own phone.

    I honestly think anyone under 15 doesn't need their own phone. I'd have a spare pay as you go phone for calling only for my kid if they just needed the phone to call home for a ride or something.

    But as the topic goes...I think it's a bit ridiculous for a ten year old to have an IPhone but I would never ever say anything to the child. I mean, if the parents choose to get the kid a phone then so what. That's their choice not mine so I keep my opinions to myself.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    Hah! My BF has one of those super old Nokia phones... you know... the ones with the green screens? yeah... :laugh:

    did it look like this? :)

  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    i am saying everyone has smart phones. i cant tell you the last time a saw an adult without a smart phone. where do you live? 1990? :)
    Well, meet my 18 year old. He lost his smartphone priveleges for using it inappropriately and now has a non smartphone.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member

    It was a joke. Of course you don't have to need something to buy it if you have money. And to clarify, I don't like the iPhone because of what it represents--a society obsessed with buying trendy, disposable garbage because they want to fit a certain image. I was talking more about kids than adults.

    im not sure of the motivation of teenagers when buying phones these days but i dont see too many adults buying phones to be trendy or as status symbols. (thats so last decade) everyone has one and they all do about the same thing.
    That's what I was saying, it's younger people. Everyone has one? Where do you live? :huh:

    Phoenix. are you saying there are adults out there that dont have a cell phone? i find that very hard to believe.
    No, we have cell phones, I thought you were saying everyone has smartphones.

    i am saying everyone has smart phones. i cant tell you the last time a saw an adult without a smart phone. where do you live? 1990? :)
    The only person I know who has a smart phone is my this super rich girl I know from school, she got one as a graduation gift.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    My 10 year old has a smart phone and I am happy that she does!! She still rides her bike, plays outside, has an imagination, reads books, helps around the house, does good in school, is a kid and is more mature than some adults I know! Why does she have a phone....anybody watch the news lately!! I like for us to be able to reach each other at anytime because she is also very sociable and spends time with her friends, she uses it to talk to her father and his family (who are not close enough to visit), when she is participating in one of the many activities she does to let us know of schedule changes! She has access to the internet but it is limited. We have a family plan that adds only $10 to our bill for the kids phones...they have to earn thier phones. I really don't see what the problem with it is....to each thier own! Our reason is safety mostly. :)