Mizzl52386 Member


  • Add some onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper , mix in the feta. Grill or broil and top with veggies if you have them like cucumber, and red onion with a bit of light ranch. I make turkey burgers by mixing busch's grilling beans with the turkey meat and it's awesome :)
  • I like to make ground turkey sausage and eat that during the week. Thia is what my breakfast usually consists of: Mini whole wheat bagel toasted 1-2 tbs of Chive and onion cream cheese on the bagel reheated turkey sausage patty (eat these 3 ingredients as a sandwich) paired with greek vanilla yogurt and a couple of…
  • Of course my SO knows my weight! We share everything and he is determined to help me succeed in any way possible. I guess it doesn't make me feel that bad that I weigh close to 260 because I don't look like I weigh that much. I will never weigh less than him and I know that, bc he's shorter and built smaller than I am, and…
  • I don't believe in giving up everything completely because that will lead to me craving and binging. I have stopped having chocolate milk with breakfast, no fast food breakfasts weekly (hell I can't recall the last time I had fast food for breakfast), no extra large iced caramel coffee with cream and sugar (been a long…
  • Hello everyone! Unfortunately, I am 26 and everyone who meets me thinks I am in my 30s but they're quick to tell me the reason they think I am older is because of my personality. My whole life people have thought I was older lol I remember when I was around 8 at my baby sitters house, some guy came up and thought I was the…
  • Thank you so much! You're so close to your goal I see. You can do it!