ThomasPM Member


  • Thomas DeLauer has some amazing videos he also has great shopping videos from Costco and Walmart explaining their Keto products.
  • I had to have surgery on a tear in my left shoulder, did it on September 7th. I'm still out of work on dissability which was 9 weeks ago. I'm doing PT 3 times a week, I've never had so much pain as I do now..We just started strength training this week with a 3 lb weight to do lateral raises, I never thought 3 lbs was so…
  • My quick Breakfast is 2 scrambled eggs, 4 slices of Turkey Bacon, and a fruit selection today was pineapple. Turkey Bacon Microwaved for 1 min 40 sec, while I cook the eggs. So Under 5 mins altogether.
  • I have sleep apnea...what sent me to find out about it was the wife said I snored, then as I put the weight on, I was waking up during the night and couldn't breath, felt like someone was choking me. It happened again about a week later, same thing. I still didn't do anything, then about a month after that it happened…
  • You said you are allowed to eat at your desk since they realize that it is not enough time to get your lunch. I would pack my lunch from home, then eat it at my desk when I got back from my 30 minute walk. Good Luck with your Goals
  • I"m on post surgery week 7 from my rotator cuff and still doing physical therapy 3 times a week, you don't realize how important a shoulder is till you have this done. I'm still not able to put my arm behind my back or completely lift it over my head. So in the gym I have been doing a lot of cardio since I have a ton of…
    in Help!! Comment by ThomasPM October 2018
  • you can add me also, I got my but kicked by my Doctor I hit 326 and he gave me all sorts of pills and wants me to only eat 1200 calories a
  • Orlando, FL
  • You can do it
  • Look Here:
  • I am currently a Weight Watchers member and a Guy. I must say even though I'm the only guy in the meetings, the support of the face to face interactions between others going thru what I am is Priceless. I must admit though through my company I pay only 17.00 a month for Meetings, Online and Coaching. I've learned so much…
  • I hate to say this but I had the same issue only 4 -5 5 hrs a night for years. On my last physical I told this to my Doctor and he prescribed me sleeping pills to be exact they are 10mg Zolpidem Tartrate.... They do the job last night I got home from work around 12:30 a.m. took 1 while I was getting ready for bed and in…
    in Can't Sleep Comment by ThomasPM May 2015
  • Ok, so when I go to the gym I usually do 45 mins on the elliptical, the machine says I burned anywhere from 535 -581 calories on any given day. I do get there 5 days a week, so I'm happy about that. So now I must eat those calories to? I do apologize for these questions. I have read the forums but it does get confusing or…
  • Ok so if you look at my filled out diary of 3 days ago I only at 1300 calories for the day, So saying that I must increase my food? But I'm not feeling hungry, this is so confusing.......
  • I use the Dannon Light N Fit Greek yogurt it is new and so far only found it at walmart. You can see it at