I've been hitting the elliptical at the gym 4 to 5 days a week for 45 mins. The Monitor on the elliptical says my calorie burn was 545 The heartbeat has me around 150 - 155 My Samsung Gear 3 watch has the same heartbeat but the calories burned Samsung is saying 835 for the workout. My fitness pal says with me entering the…
Ok, time for my stupid question, MPP is giving me a food intake goal of 2150 for the day. My question is. Is this with the calorie deficit? I put in to loose 2 lbs a week. Thanks
This is my first official post here on MFP. I have been dieting now since the 3rd week of May, using Nutrisystem and I am loving it. I use my fitbit also as a guide along with this website. I started my adventure at 288 lbs and as of this past monday I lost so far 44 lbs. I do have a hectic schedule as I work here in…