leslie63 Member


  • I'm just completed 15 days...i lost 10 lbs quickly, but for the last 4 days I've stayed the same. I'm trying different exercises, increasing the hours of work out and eating fewer calories...I've pulled out the tape measure, and inches are coming off so I think I'll put the scale away for awhile and keep the positive…
  • My weight for August didn't go very well, only 3 lbs, however...my body fat went down as well as a loss of 15" overall. I have finally gotten in the habit of working out daily, even if it's a 30 minute walk around the block or 3 10 minute work outs throughout the day. I feel better and have a better attitude. Although I…
  • People like Kanye West are the ones the keep racism alive.
  • I gave up soda and switched to selzer water to curb the craving for carbination. I add lemon, lime, fresh squeezed fruit juice when I want to spice it up. It doesn't have any sodium and I don't miss the sodas so much
  • Thanks for the tips, I completely agree that water truly flushes out the fat. I've finally rid my life of soda by drinking Seltzer Water and adding some lemon, lime or orange juice. Soda is soooo bad of the joints, bones etc but it's harder to quit than smoking. Plus I was reading how even diet soda was often making people…