lepow Member


  • Way to go! Our stats are very similar; I'm only down 27, though. :) Congratulations.
  • Exactly! I went off for a week or so, but started doing better this week, and am down almost a pound today! So, I'm back at it! Here's to 7 lbs/month (that's my goal . . .) until my birthday, at least.
  • I've struggled with that lately, too! I've been staying in my allotted calories, but my macros haven't been adding up right. I've always struggled with protein, but it was down in the 10-15% range for 2 weeks! I just had stopped paying attention to that! I've paid for it, though, by not losing anything (I haven't gained,…
  • I had the same thoughts! I didn't want to post anything, though, because my weight is sadly the same as last week (and the week before). GRRR. CW: 198
  • I eat a TON! Friend request sent!
  • I hate my pants today! I've only got one size 12 and two size 14s. It's laundry day, and I have to wear a 16, and I hate them falling down all the time and looking all baggy and slouchy. I used to LOVE these jeans! Now, they just feel like a tent. Hooray for new clothes!
  • Exactly this! I have made a few modifications, though (milk instead of cream in my coffee, for example)
  • I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. I am also an emotional eater: eat for comfort, eat to celebrate, eat out of boredom, eat to be social, etc. It's a habit I've been trying to break lately. I have nothing really truthful to report this week, though . . . I went way overboard this last weekend (I was with my…
  • I went up to 200.6 today (down from 204 yesterday - 198 last week). I had 2 EXTREMELY bad eating days this long weekend, and my body is catching back up to where I was. By this time next week, I'm sure I'll be back on track, and this 6-lb bump will be a distant memory. lol
  • I'm sorry! I still have the last 2 of week 4 to finish up today and Saturday, then I'll be back to my normal schedule to start week 5 next Tuesday :(. I'm feeling so behind! lol. Keep going, though, it's not a race (unless you're actually racing, of course :)).
  • That's what I was leaning toward; what I'm doing now is definitely NOT a quick fix, I know, and it's something I need to continue. Besides, losing 5 lbs or a little more per month is better than losing 25 lbs in a month then gaining 30 the next month. I guess I just needed that extra reassurance :)
  • Ditto. You're a-MAZ-ing!
  • I'm in! My goal is 5 lbs/month by the end of the year, and this fits in with that! CW: 198.2 HGW (love that): 188.2 We can so do this!
  • Well, seeing as how I overate like a mothertrucker this weekend, and I'm behind on C25k, I REALLY need to get my butt back in gear. I've also gained 5 lbs this weekend - I'm sure it's mostly water from the soda and alcohol and sodium and junk. lol. Anyway, my week will be as follows: T - CLEANING HOUSE (boyfriend was home…
  • I'm going to visit family this weekend that I haven't seen since September of last year, and I'm uber-excited!! I know I"ll be subject to a deluge of cocktails, beer, birthday cake, and steak; I'll do my best to keep it under control. It's going to be a fabulous weekend!!
  • I was actually thinking about this today as well. I was curious if there was some MFP clothing-swap we could put together or something. We're all going to be those in-between sizes and we're all at different stages. Is there a way we could put together a group or something to give the clothes that are too big to someone…
  • I NEVER say never again. I allow myself to eat the things I love in moderation. I just make sure I'm hitting my exercise/calorie goals and roughly hitting all my macros. If I told myself I'd never again have Marie Calendar's Chocolate Silk Pie, I'd probably just give up. I can still eat it, I just have to recognize the…
  • Nothing too much to be truthful about . . . I had a brownie yesterday and it was delicious. I've also set new goals for myself since I reached below 200 . . . my next threshold will be 180 by Christmas. ;)
  • Thank you! I've lost just over 25 lbs so far, but only a handful of people have noticed (I switched jobs in the middle of April, so the new people don't know what I used to look like. lol).
  • Thank you for your reminder! I post a lot, just not in the group so much, so I sent you a friend request! Hang in there, we can do this! I've never felt such synergy as I do on the MFP forums - it's truly helping stay focused on my goals.
  • bump for later. I've never seen this website before!
  • Today was my first weigh-in of being below 200! I was 199.8 - good enough for me. Last week, I believe I was 202-203 - I can't remember! I just know the number is slowly but surely going down!!
  • Okay, so I'm late (again). I had a pretty good weekend considering all I had going on! This is my game plan for this week: M: Elliptical T: W3D3 of C25k (getting behind on that!) W: Rest Th: W4D1 of C25k I'll be going out of town Friday right after work and won't be coming home until late Monday night, but I'm going to try…
  • I had a hard time seeing I'd lost weight until my pants were too loose and I had to get a few smaller pairs as well. Way to go! Isn't it a great feeling?!?
  • I'm late, I know . . . but this whole week has been crap and I feel like I need to vent/splurge/blab. Last week, I was doing marginally well staying within my limit. Then, we got the news Thursday afternoon that my father-in-law had passed away (he was only 46, and diagnosed with cancer barely 2 weeks ago). I feel really…
  • I sent you an invite!
  • The only advice I can give is keep doing it. Force yourself. Fake it 'til you make it, basically. I've had this happen a lot, and even though I struggle to eat all the right food and exercise, as long as I log EVERYTHING (even if it's BAD - especially if it's bad), that gives me the motivation to keep going. When I have a…
  • I'm going to start week 3 this week, because I re-did week 2 last week. I just didn't feel comfortable moving on just yet, but my jog yesterday went really well and I finally feel like I can move up!
  • I will be starting week 3 of C25k this week (re-did week 2 last week). I am also going to try PF Express (30-minute workout) at my gym (Planet Fitness). This week, I'll also eat WAY better than last (despite the funeral this coming weekend).