

  • I'm with you!! I can so relate to everything you've said minus the husband. LOL I'm divorced almost 15 years so being a single mom and all the ft things that come with that definitely seem to catch up. I've NEVER been thin a day in my life so I really can't say I'd like to get back to any particular weight and I've battled…
  • Thank you all for the "Welcomes" and let me go back and try. I did add 8 for the servings, but let's try again. Thank you :)
  • Thank you, Rubybelle. Let me see if I can explain myself better. Ok....this is the recipe that I am trying to add to the data base... Ingredients 1¾ cups unbleached, all-purpose flour ¼ cup granulated sugar ¼ cup light brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon table salt ¼ teaspoon ground…