
  • My activity level is sedentary because my job is just that. I am a secretary. My gym work is very opposity of my job and I thought leaving my job as it is would help to reflect that. Would I gain more calories if I change my activity level? How does that affect everything else?
  • scrambled eggs. Yep, scrambled eggs or crackers and cheese. :)
  • haybales: I am a math idiot. Layman's terms please. I'd really like to do the calculations but you lost me at "estimate of burning cals in cardio." I usually average between 400-600 cals burned at the gym in an hour. 30 mins of that hour and approximately 300 give or take are straight cardio on the elliptical. The rest are…
  • Goal_Line: Do you do anything extra to help your muscles out besides resting?
  • Theodus: Do you still lose wait increasing your protein? I don't feel much different but I have cut my body fat percentage down from 31% to 25% in 3 weeks. I'm assuming soon I will see a change, but what I don't want to do is raise my intake and stop losing weight. More importantly I don't want to hurt myself. Stuck…
  • Usually pretty close to my daily allotment, if not a couple over. why?
  • Geekyjock: I only understood about half of what you just said. :huh: However, I am not a big dairy fan (lactose intolerance) :sick: so the only major source of calcium I get is from cheese, which I have had to cut down on to make this weight loss thing work. Would a multi-vitamin or recovery drink help? I find it hard to…
  • Simple to some, noticeable to me. One day not so long ago I noticed that I had to scoot to the edge of my seat and grab my car door to help me out of the car (low to the ground), I think because I was heavier than I have been since carrying my children. Yesterday, I noticed that I just got up. I opened the door and got out…
  • That's funny. No really, I laughed out loud at my desk. I suppose I was imagining myself as that girl and my reaction would be not unlike the face you made at the end of your sentence, huh??:noway: Tell your friend to get a life, or at the least, get a clue. A wing man is there to support you. If I'm going through all the…