

  • Wow! You look great as I know you feel great!! Congrats Way to go!:smile:
  • By the way, CONGRATS, go you...Yes you can do it!!
  • Well I lost 4 my first week and .5 the second week. A bummer. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but I will have to get back to business~ Pretty much a bummer!!! Although I did find out I have medical problems and they came up during my workouts, so I guess not doing as much exercise has really put a hault to the losing..durn!
  • Welcome! You can do it with myfitnesspal..It is the best guide to healthy weight loss!! Congrats and work hard for what you want!!:bigsmile:
    in just in! Comment by kjs104 October 2009
  • Thank You!! All the luck to you girl!