

  • I don't recommend it. You shouldn't diet, you should change your lifestyle habits. Prepackaged diets tend to not try and change your habits, as they're just a 'diet' and once you stop them, you'll gain all the weight right back. Focus on the basics; eating healthy and living right, and you'll be fine.
  • Going vegetarian was a life changing experience for me, and I hope you stick with it. I really think that the best way to do that is by doing it intelligently. Haha I'm actually vegan now so it almost feels a little weird talking about vegetarian again. I felt a lot better going vegetarian, but I suggest buying a book or…
    in Vegetarians Comment by mnb89 July 2013
  • Almond Breeze Sweetened Vanilla is the best, as much as I like Silk in my cereal, I can't drink it straight. But Almond Breeze Vanilla is by far the best (Silk has the most fortified nutrients though, if that's what youre looking for.. I think it has like 50% daily B12, which is why I drink it haha)
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