Pre-packaged diets

freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
Does anyone out there have any experience with a pre-packaged diet, like nutrisystem? I am thinking of trying one and I would like some actual opinions.


  • rachso
    rachso Posts: 174 Member
    I tried the Right Size smoothies in chocolate and vanilla. They actually tasted pretty good and I mixed the powder with peanut butter or dif fruits to create new flavors and add variety. This was all before I started actively working on weight loss thru diet and exercise. I had 2 smoothies a day (though u can have one) and made mine with skim milk instead of whole. Then of course a reg meal and maybe a snack or two. At that time exercise was..minimal. I'd occasionally go for a walk but I never really tried. I didn't lose pounds per say but I did lose inches without even trying. I still have some powder left so will occasionally make a shake for breakfast just to mix things up or give myself more protein.
    Does it work? Yes. (at least for me it did) but NOT if you ahve a lot to lose (like 50lbs or more). It does get exspensive as the cans are made for I think 30 shakes and are $3o at 2 shakes a day it was less than a months supply. Which is partly why I quit using them. Also cause I decided to make a life choice and really LEARN how to diet and exercise properly to lose and maintain weight. I DO think RIGHT SIZE is good for those that have hit a plateou, are jsut getting started, or even just have a few final pounds to lose. As I said..they actually tasted pretty decent to me!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    ANY DIET works if one sticks to it. The problem is once one reaches goal. If the plan isn't sustainable, then weight will return. If you buy packaged foods, are you going to do it for life? If not, then look for another program you can do for life.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mnb89
    mnb89 Posts: 3
    I don't recommend it. You shouldn't diet, you should change your lifestyle habits. Prepackaged diets tend to not try and change your habits, as they're just a 'diet' and once you stop them, you'll gain all the weight right back. Focus on the basics; eating healthy and living right, and you'll be fine.
  • lj8576
    lj8576 Posts: 156
    I did it or about 6 mos and te food got really old and tasted all the same. It worked ,but once I quit I gained some back.