

  • I love cooking salmon in the foil packets. My favorite is a soy sauce and brown sugar marinade I found on awhile ago. I love the marinade but the sodium content is pretty high. My grocery store sells frozen salmon for $1 (4 oz) so I buy those pretty often and cook it according to the directions---1/4" water…
  • Avocados vary a lot in size--I can get large, medium, or small avocados. Hass avocados website estimates that there are about 50 calories per ounce. I slice it and weigh the portions I'm eating. The pit of an avocado along with the skin can weigh an ounce or more by itself so don't weigh the entire avocado to calculate the…
  • It's Jennie-O turkey. It is 50 calories for 2 ounces, I weigh my deli meats on a food scale. It is high in sodium though.
  • I usually have my shake for breakfast but if I don't have that I'll have an egg with a slice of toast; my breakfast is 250 calories or less. I'm just not a breakfast eater and I do not wake up and instantly crave large amounts of food. I'm not shortchanging my body of any nutrients just because I don't eat a higher calorie…
  • Prior to starting an exercise routine I would get a cold and it would last for atleast a week or longer. I go to the gym and do a minimum of cardio/light weights and within 2-3 days I feel normal. If you feel tired or just not into working out do a lighter routine. I find working out shortens the duration of colds for me.
  • I used to drink a ton of soda. I replaced soda with Propel then gradually replaced that with more water.
  • I eat them on sandwiches and in wraps. I've made tomato and avocado salads; avocado, black bean, corn, tomato, cilantro and lime juice (sometimes I add in brown rice). I like avocado, tomato, and mozzarella grilled cheese. You can also do a fried egg and avocado sandwich.
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