nini88 Member


  • one more thing to add actually. when I was younger and slimmed down I had two friends who i realised were just not supportive of me in general, they where competative about weight, exams, boys, sports, clothes anything i can think of. I ditched them both and was better of for it. One has since appoligised and we are now…
  • I've had a lot of crap from people in the past about my weight, what i eat, how much i go to the gym etc. from some people its jelousy from some people genuine, if sometimes misplaced, concern. For a year i moved to canada and it was really easy to cut out unhealthy friends but i started to get to extreme and became really…
  • I Was so addicted to diet coke that everybody commented on it. when uni finished I decided to stop cold turkey because A) it was a waste of money B) i don't actually like the taste although i couldn't stop drinking it. C) i couldn't sleep D) i'd just live off diet coke all day, not realise i was hungry then be starving at…