Real life Friends and weightloss



  • nini88
    nini88 Posts: 3 Member
    I've had a lot of crap from people in the past about my weight, what i eat, how much i go to the gym etc. from some people its jelousy from some people genuine, if sometimes misplaced, concern.

    For a year i moved to canada and it was really easy to cut out unhealthy friends but i started to get to extreme and became really sick. I thought i was being healthy but I was eating too little for the amount of running i was doing. keeping your friends helps you stay more in touch with reality and keeps you balanced. maybe if i hadn't become so withdraw i would have seen how ott i was becoming. change friends by all means if you have outgrow these people but try to find new ones and remember just making friends with yes men is boring and you never learn anything.

    that said this year i decided to try to get fit again. I was worried all my pub buddies would judge me or try to derail me but in fact when i was brave enough to tell them every last one said they wanted to get fitter too. many didn't get that far but it was nice to know more of them agreed with me than i would have given them credit for.
  • nini88
    nini88 Posts: 3 Member
    one more thing to add actually. when I was younger and slimmed down I had two friends who i realised were just not supportive of me in general, they where competative about weight, exams, boys, sports, clothes anything i can think of. I ditched them both and was better of for it. One has since appoligised and we are now good caring supportive friends. the other i will never speak to again but no loss she was never really a friend (she once said I looked far to skiny and discusting yet she was on a starvation diet to slim down doesn't make any sense)
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I used to have tons of friends, then my husband and I moved to KY, and well, I have two friends here. One is really serious about health, and the other is a Beachbody coach. I can't hang out with people who want to go out and drink/eat all the time! But both my friends are moving soon, so I'll be back at square one. Honestly, I'd rather hang out by myself then be around people who don't respect my choices.
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