deyja1 Member


  • I follow the Wheat Belly lifestyle. It's low carb, medium protein and high fat. I aim for 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs. Never felt better!!
    in Low carb Comment by deyja1 March 2015
  • Check out Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. It is grain free, sugar free and helps to reverse autoimmunity and all inflammatory diseases as well as cure Diabetes Type II. Stay away from gluten free products as the flours they are made of will make you gain weight. Gluten free products are a scam in the food industry just…
  • I am so sorry about your breast cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 2006, had a mastectomy 2 days before Christmas and started Chemo in January of 2007. I am still cancer-free and rejoice in my health! The recovery path has many challenges and gifts, as you will discover on your journey. If I can be of any help, please…
  • Hi, my name is Anne. I'm 58, soon to be 59. I had breast cancer 6 years ago and I have been struggling to get back in shape since then. I am 5'1" so it is very hard to lose weight. I tried this program last July and gave up because I wasn't getting anywhere with it. I have finally admitted to myself that I just have to…