wow i am impressed, this gives me hope that weight loss is possible.
that is wonderful results.
Thanks for caring, cancer is scary and I pray for a cure. Recently the one person I love more then anything told me they had cancer and I have not stopped crying since it has been since March, he never smoked,drank and ate healthy and introduced me to my fitness pal.
such a great job
Someone who acts better then someone else.
I lost 60 lbs now it is creepy back up.
I have a lot of stress in my life so I eat the wrong easy to fix foods or snack cakes I know this is bad there is know excuse for not taking care of myself I have a lot of people that need and depend on me so I have to get healthy and I need all the encourage to do so. Last January thru September
I to am starting my diet over last year I went on my fitness pal and lost 60 lbs then stopped out of lazies and know I am going back up on the scales and it scary cause I not very little I have alot to lose.Good luck to you.