Starting Over ....Again

Hi, I'm Louise. I'm just back on the site this weekend after braving the scales to see that I'd piled on another 10lbs since Christmas and I failed to even attempt the 10k run challenge over Easter that I'd set myself. So, I'm needing a kick up the bum! I got back on the treadmill today and stocked up with lots of healthy food to give weight loss and fitness another push and get into shape for the Summer. Some MFP friends would be good to keep me on the straight and narrow and inspire me to keep it up. Add me if you're challenging yourself too and would like a pal to share the journey with

Louise :)


  • H Louise... Sure thing.. Would love to be pals.. We just returned from Jamica where I totally ate everything I wanted. lol. And gained about 5lbs. I have managed to loose again this past week. Best of luck with your next attempt.. You know as well as I do. If you stick to the plan the weight falls off literally.. Up and at em !!! You will reach your goal.. I have 15lbs left and I am very excited to spend some money on new clothes :-) Will keep in touch TTYS Tammy
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    Sending you a friend request. I also came back to MFP after leaving for a while (I had lost almost 10 pounds on my own), only to discover, much as you did, that I gained it all back over Christmas.

    Now I'm making a serious overhaul of my lifestyle and getting back into the swing of things.
  • Just found this site and it looks brilliant!
    Have put up 5 kgs (11 lbs) in one month!
    Started the 5:2 diet today. 500 cals 2days a week and fairly normal eating te other 5 days.Today is my fast day as will next Thursday. SEEMS DOABLE!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    i just went through this too.

    you have to figure out what wasn't working for you, and make a plan that is simple and easy for you to follow.
    doing things you look forward to doing. make your workouts fun for you, you food interesting and full of flavor,
    whatever it is. everyone is different, and you're the only one that knows what will or won't work.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! I think more people gain those extra pounds around the holidays than want to admit it. I know I gain a few & with the slow rate I'm losing it I can't afford them. Friend me if you like. The more the merrier!

    Tammy - where did you go in Jamaica? We went to Ochio Rios last spring & stayed at a private villa. It was nice but we went a few years earlier (same town) but stayed in an all-inclusive. We are leaving for Vegas on the 15th so I'm hoping I don't do too bad! I've got or pedometers & new sneakers ready to go. We are going to get back home late Thursday night so it won't be for too long but we are hoping to get in at least 40 miles - which isn't hard to do in Vegas! Lol

    Sorry Louise, I didn't mean to hijack your post! I go to the gym 5x week & do body pump, weight machines, TM, bike & stepper so I'd welcome a workout buddy too! Have a great day everyone & we can do this! :bigsmile:
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Just found this site and it looks brilliant!
    Have put up 5 kgs (11 lbs) in one month!
    Started the 5:2 diet today. 500 cals 2days a week and fairly normal eating te other 5 days.Today is my fast day as will next Thursday. SEEMS DOABLE!

    I've heard of this method - let me know how it goes for you
  • shonaj80
    shonaj80 Posts: 16
    Hi ya :) I am in the same boat! I came back today after realising i have put on nearly 2 stone in in the past year!! :( ..Am happy to add you and anyone else feel free to add me to! I love the support we can all give each other! :)
  • snugautumn
    snugautumn Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I just started back a few days ago. I lost my Mom in December. Very emotional time.
    Anyone who wants to be my pal send a request.
  • Peg_M
    Peg_M Posts: 34
    Hi, I wish you luck on your way to good health. As a 53 year old overweight female I am doing this so I can enjoy my life and my grandkids. Don't want to be an old fat grumpy grandma LOL
  • Hi
    Welcome back to this site. I find it very addictive. Apart from diet, I lost my weight through using a cross trainer and mountain biking. I can offer a lot of support and motivation. I already have some great friends who offer a lot of support. I can always use more friends to give me grief when i go astray.

    Anybody can add me :smile:
  • LouBeeeLou75
    LouBeeeLou75 Posts: 54 Member
    That 500 cal a day thing would be too tough for me - I think I'd be miserable with so little to eat, even if it's only a couple of days a week!
  • I to am starting my diet over last year I went on my fitness pal and lost 60 lbs then stopped out of lazies and know I am going back up on the scales and it scary cause I not very little I have alot to lose.Good luck to you.
  • I have a lot of stress in my life so I eat the wrong easy to fix foods or snack cakes I know this is bad there is know excuse for not taking care of myself I have a lot of people that need and depend on me so I have to get healthy and I need all the encourage to do so. Last January thru September
  • I lost 60 lbs now it is creepy back up.
  • LouBeeeLou75
    LouBeeeLou75 Posts: 54 Member
    I lost 60 lbs now it is creepy back up.

    That's a great weight loss, you could act now to stop the weight creep in its tracks and get back to your goal.