

  • I have the same issue. I stopped having food in my house that I could graze. I juyst brought healthy meals, no snacks. I found out that what I buy, I eat, usually sooner and in larger quantities than I believed. If it isn't in the house, I don't eat it. So for me, the key is keeping it out, until I want it.
  • I go to a colds for 24 a month and am very happy with everything. The biggest plus is the classes.
  • Because I am taking it one day at a time, and I count every day I stay on track as a success!
  • Congratulations on getting back into the game! I recently re-joined after an absence. I would love to be your friend, and anyone else who reads this! Maybe we can all help each other! I recently moved, so I have not been doing so well on the eating front. I do a lot of stress eating, too. I haven't weighed myself since I…
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