

  • I totally see what you mean there but for me somehow it doesn't matter because of bulimia it "makes me feel better" not to eat so on a fasting day I'd feel happier than on the days I am eating. If that makes sense o.O what I'm hoping is that this in time will change as healthy eating becomes a habit and not a set of rules…
  • Ups sorry forgot to add my list this is all the food with fat I ate today along with the amount of saturated and unsaturated fats. Food: Saturated - Unsaturated Brown bread: 0.8 - 2 Natural Smoothie: 0.5 - 2.5 Butter: 1 - 4.5 Lunch Cheese slice 4.9 - 2.5 Yogurt 1 - 1 Dinner Soda Bread: 0.3 - 1.1 Butter: 1 - 4.5 Vegetable…
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