jeepermom Member


  • I, too, have trouble with this. My plan moving forward...not have a drink available. I will not set a glass for myself at the table and I will not order a drink if we ever go out. I am a year and 3 months post op and I can drink liquids right up until I start eating per my doc...but definitely break the habit now. Because…
  • I had a rough time giving up sweet tea. I have just now gotten to the point that I don't want it and I found that honestly it was more of a habit to drink it or order it than it was that I wanted it. Another thing I had (and still have) a really hard time with is head-hunger. Snacking when I "think" I'm hungry. I know I'm…
  • Thanks emmeylou...I actually had support group last night and brought it up there as well and discussed with my nurse after. I don't want to say it just "clicked," but that's the best way I have to describe it. My way of thinking has shifted and I realize that when I think I want something to eat, I need to think about if…
  • Wanted to give everyone an the last two weeks since my post, I have kicked my sweet tea habit (it was lots easier than I thought it would be...I just chose to not drink it and now I don't like the taste of it) and am watching what I eat, making better choices, and being more active...and I have lost 9.4 pounds!…
  • johnlatte I think my hubby heard you...I got home last night and he had dinner on the table...yay! I am definitely going to try the taco meat in the crock pot...that would be so yummy with just a little cheese and some salsa...yum! I did grab some frozen mango, some blueberries, and a greek yogurt on my way out of the…
  • Thanks everyone! It's supposed to be a yucky weekend this weekend so it sounds like an excellent weekend to do up some freezer meals, do some veggie prep and finish getting my "stuff" together... I really appreciate everyone's input and will definitely be using parts from everyone's suggestions...y'all are awesome!
  • Luckily (?) for me, french fries don't sit well on my stomach anymore, so I do at least avoid those. Thanks for the ideas, I have written them all down and will be planning/shopping/prepping before Monday. I will do a little mini prep at the store tonight to get me set for the rest of the week. I am also emptying my desk…
  • Sunshine: I know you’re trying to be helpful, and honestly, everything you said is pretty much what I need to hear. Funny how that works, huh? You can tell yourself something a million times but until it comes from someone else, it’s easy to dismiss. It IS a choice…and my choices lately have stunk. I will be pulling my VSG…
  • I am 5 months post-op and am finding I am grazing a lot and eating when I am not hungry. I am afraid I am going to stretch my sleeve out. Starting this morning, I am going back closer to basics. No snacking! When I want to snack, I will go walk the stairs in my office. I also need to start taking my vitamins again...…