sknopster Member


  • My best advice is to have a Body Composition performed as mentioned above. Once you know your At Rest Metabolic Rate (ARMR), you know what you have to eat to maintain your weight just for your body to function. It's probably around 1,500 to 1,800 or so. Then add to that, the amount of energy (in calories) burned each day…
  • My guess is that this "Advice" is coming from a person who has a financial interest in California's farming/produce economy. I have been getting slammed with emails about drinking 8 ounces of Lemon juice per day to cure cancer! And similar "pass this on to someone you love" type spams. Nuts, citrus, vegetables... every one…
  • Re: pinkraynedrop @ 9:08 pm Eastern 4/24/13 DEFINITELY AGREE... eat at least 5 times per day... 6 is better. Eat within 30 minutes of waking, then about every 3 hours. I recommend getting a body composition performed (about $60 at a hospital with weight management / bariatric procedures). If you know your At Rest Metabolic…
  • My girl has the same reaction IF she sweats a lot during her workout... then her breasts get cold, very cold... both by touch and by sight. This also happens when we swim in water less than 85 Deg.F. The effects of swimming or sweating are similar, in that while you're sweating your skin experiences the "evaporative…
  • Based on living for 30 years in permanent starvation mode by only eating 2 times per day (3 on rare occasions) and never eating breakfast... the best advice I can give for you is to eat your first meal within 30 minutes of waking up, then eat a minimum of 5 times per day. For me, my measured "At Rest Metabolic Rate" (ARMR)…
  • I had made my mind up to have the Roux-N-Y surgery after studying various WL surgeries. On June 23rd 2012 I attended the first meeting (an intake) and the next day attended a group meeting. Instantly I began eating and living as though I had already had the surgery. I did not cheat and have been using this site ever since.…