

  • WOW! Thats amazing! All of you are doing so well! I hope i can match that level of dedication, I was just getting happy over losing 1.6lbs ( Ive only just started again ) And Hopefully I'll keep going down till I feel as good as im sure you do right now :D
  • I'm 5'2 and 200lbs (hides face in shame) so I want to lose around 100lbs. patients is VERY hard, and i have a major sweet tooth, and am at uni which means self control is something im seriously lacking :/ but we'll all reach our goal weight if we just keep trying :D
  • Hey Im only 20, and 5'2 but i'm now 201.6lbs, and in utter horror. I need to lose over 100lbs to be healthy, and thats going to be hard! Im at uni which is not easy for control, because you have the freedom to buy what you want, and as a result, everything seems to be junk food that is quick. I dont want this any more. I…
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