

  • What are you eating? I would suggest cutting out most carbs you eat. I start out my day with a low carb yogurt and egg whites, for lunch a Lean Cuisine or Salad with Chicken, Dinner (always hard for me) Either fish, chicken, steak with a veggie. Then for snacks try South Beach Diet Peanut Butter Bars, or Think Thin Mini…
  • God yes, I've had plenty of those days! Just remember you're only human and sometimes people deserve to get bumped a little, JUST KIDDING. Hope the rest of your day is happy :bigsmile:
  • I am also nursing and pumping while at work. My weight really didn't start to come off until about 4 months into breastfeeding and I worked out pretty hard and everyday about 2 weeks after the baby was born, swollen ankles and all! Just make sure to eat healthy foods and take your pre-natal vitamins. Don't give up, it will…
  • I count breastfeeding, no doubt about that! It gives you calories back the same as exercise. For every 1 ounce you breastfeed or pump is worth 20 calories back to your total. Also, don't forget about the fat, protein and sugar that goes into that.