Breastfeeding, exercise and losing weight

britgirl82 Posts: 7
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all

I'm a mum of a 3m old baby who's exclusively breastfed. I'm trying hard to lose the last 10 pounds or so to get me back to where I was pre-pregnancy, but I'm really struggling.

I exercise every day - I do an hour on the elliptical (pretty high intensity similar to what I was doing pre-pregnancy) and walk everywhere during the day. I log all these calories in MFP, and I also log my breastfeeding calories.

I was very fit before getting pregnant, and remained active during pregnancy, so it's not like my body's shocked into this level of exercise.

I've gone up 4 cup sizes so I appreciate that some of the weight is breast tissue, and I've also read that your body holds onto the last few pounds whilst you're breastfeeding, so I guess that explains some...

MFP suggests that I should be eating around 2500cal a day to compensate for breastfeeding and all my exercise but I'm struggling - normally only manage about 2000cal.

Any advice? Am I not eating enough? Should I just give up until I stop nursing?




  • That's a tough one! I have a 11 month old that I breastfeed exclusively until he was 7 months. I waited until after I was done breastfeeding to push that extra little bit. I had more to loose than you, but I still didn't want to push myself too hard while breastfeeding. My #1 priority was to make sure my supply was more than enough, so I ate the full amount of calories and walked and walked and walked. Once I was done with the bf, then I upped my workouts and lowered my calories. The lbs have consistently been coming off since then.

    And you're right, if you went up 4 cup sizes, most of your 10lbs are probably breast tissue and milk.

    I'm not much help... but I think what you are doing is plenty for now and the rest will come off in no time, just focus on baby for now :)
  • That's a tough one! I have a 11 month old that I breastfeed exclusively until he was 7 months. I waited until after I was done breastfeeding to push that extra little bit. I had more to loose than you, but I still didn't want to push myself too hard while breastfeeding. My #1 priority was to make sure my supply was more than enough, so I ate the full amount of calories and walked and walked and walked. Once I was done with the bf, then I upped my workouts and lowered my calories. The lbs have consistently been coming off since then.

    And you're right, if you went up 4 cup sizes, most of your 10lbs are probably breast tissue and milk.

    I'm not much help... but I think what you are doing is plenty for now and the rest will come off in no time, just focus on baby for now :)

    Thank you. You were of help!

  • I am also nursing and pumping while at work. My weight really didn't start to come off until about 4 months into breastfeeding and I worked out pretty hard and everyday about 2 weeks after the baby was born, swollen ankles and all! Just make sure to eat healthy foods and take your pre-natal vitamins. Don't give up, it will melt away before you know it :wink:

  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    I am currently still nursing my 13 month old daughter. I would just focus on making sure you are eating every two-three hours, lots of nutritious foods, especially oatmeal (real oatmeal, not the little packets) as the oatmeal will keep your supply up.

    I can be done, but it will be a slow, gradual process.
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