sevsmom Member


  • My dad died suddenly on Mother's Day 12 years ago. I know how such a sudden thing can rock your world! I would say be gracious in thanking people for their kindness when they bring food. But, most people understand that grief doesn't always make people hungry. DO eat to maintain your health, but don't eat out of a sense of…
  • I used to get it a lot as I was losing weight. It actually made me more determined to keep it off! Why you are angry, I can't really understand. People commenting....kindly or a sign that your hard work is visibly paying off.
    in vent Comment by sevsmom January 2015
  • Because I abhor cycling....I say running is WAY better. :D
  • I started out almost 4 years ago at took 6 WEEKS before the scale moved in a favorable direction. And, it was ups & downs for the next year or so until I finally hit just below goal weight of 135. I'm up to 145ish again, and AGAIN, the scale is playing games. It'll move....eventually. I know what to do and I know…
  • Get friendly with "shape wear" for those girls! Mine barely do justice to a 34 B these days. It's not my favorite place to lose weight, but apparently that's where by body has decided to yank most of it from. Now, I was never "big" to begin with, but weight loss just added insult to injury!
  • Probably between 16 & 20 lbs. If you go about it in a reasonably healthy way. And plan on continuing post reunion to achieve your goal weight at some point in the future. Took me a year to lose 30 lbs. (170-140)
  • All my morning runs are fasting runs. I don't have time to eat and digest before an a.m. run....unless I get up at 3 a.m. Even my long runs are usually done sans food. Maybe a spoonful of peanutbutter and some gel packs (over 10 mile runs). Otherwise, I save the noshing for post run!!
  • The only time you'll catch me wearing underwear while running is if it's FRIGID out and an extra layer on my behind feels warm. I hate sweaty, bunched up undies! My running shorts are either compression or they are running shorts with the built in "drawers." Way more comfy to go sans undies!!
  • That's the good stuff right there!!
    in NSV - 5 K Comment by sevsmom July 2014
  • We currenlty have, in residence, 2 mice, 6 hermit crabs, 2 beta fish, 2 cats and 1 dog, 3 children (out of 5) and 2 parents. It's a funny farm!!!
  • I was heartsick/heartbroken when my husband left me. I lost nearly 30 lbs going from 156 (slightly over weight BMI) to 126 which had me looking skeletal and sick. My hair fell out in handfuls and I was, well, sick. Eventually, the right medication helped me get on track and I was able to maintain a healthy weight for my…
  • I go a couple mornings a week in the dark/pre dawn. I vary my route to be a little less predictable. But, if it's a safe town, that's the best assurance you're gonna get.
  • The word EXTREME is your first and largest mistake. Nourishing your body should never, in my humble opinion, include the word extreme. Unless you are saying the food you ate was extremely tasty, extremely spicy, extremely satisfying, or extremely disgusting. at 45 years old, you should have learned at least that by now.…
  • My first "real" running shoe buying experience was at the local running shop and the gentleman asked me some questions, had my hike up my pant legs, watched me walk and then had me run barefoot in the store. I have some really flat feet. He recommended a stability shoe, that while QUITE comfy for my foot, created a cascade…
  • As Supreme Court Justice Potter once said of p0rnography....I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core p0rnography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion…
  • A delivery man that comes to my office said, and I quote, "You know you have one hell of a damn fine body, right?" I was walking past him in the hallway and literally staggered a few steps. It was flattering, but talk about out of left field! (For the record, I'm a "north of 40" gal who wears a size 6. Certainly nothing to…
  • You have plenty of time to make it to the 5k mark. I started my running 3 years ago in July specifically to run a 5k race. I made the distance by September and then ran a race in October. You definitely can do this. The trick is to get comfortable with being UNcomfortable. You are going to have to push yourself just a…
  • YES!!!!!!!!!
    in Try not Comment by sevsmom July 2014
  • 2 c-sections and I wear bikinis at the beach now. The belly is defninitely different than before, and I'm not going to fool anyone into thinking I'm a 20-something who never had kids. But, I can wear skimpy-ish swim wear confidently. Now the skin does wrinkle when I bend over or what have you, but standing up and lying…
  • I'm rolling up on 43 in Sept. In March 2011 I decided to take my 168 lbs and shoot to be 140 by my 40th bday. 6 months....28 problem. Well, I got *close* but couldn't get below 146ish. It took unitl March 2012 to reach my 140 goal. Then I lost a bit more, and now I'm back in the low 140s. It sounds like a lot for…
  • Get running shoes now. Preferrably at a store staffed by runners. You build a house on a good foundation. You build a good running regiment on good shoes!
  • 42 years old...just hit my 3 year running mark. Only time my knees hurt is when I don't keep up with my stretching or I break form and get sloppy on a long run/race. Otherwise, my knees and legs are strong and healthy!!
  • Many runners have given you good advice. Shaving 3 minutes per mile in that time frame is ambitious at best. And, your age group tends to be fairly competitive. My husband can't even come close to the 40-44 men in our area. He runs a decent 24:00 and he's out classed by 5:00 minutes most of the time. Check previous race…
  • Took me 6 weeks to see the scale move in a positive direction. I'm sure, if you are eating at a deficit, you'll see progress eventually. You've got to be in this for the long haul. Lifestyle makeover, not just "dieting" and exercising until the weight is gone!
  • I would focus on making the full 5k non stop at whatever pace. Then, when you know you can cover the desired distance, work on getting to a speed that you like. As you get fitter & faster, you may choose new goals and research various training plans that go with them. The #1 thing I recommend is to set goals.
  • I had a squirrel that used to nap on the railing of my deck at my old house. He was just comfy and liked the vantage point the deck railing offered. I had pictures once upon a time.
  • :-) Left would hug you if she read that! Right is me....RIGHT on the money!!! Of course, my ticker helps. Didn't think about that one. LOL!!
  • 145 (sunflowerhipp) 130 (sheskimtastic)