Starting to lose faith and only two weeks in!!



  • Jroque12014
    Jroque12014 Posts: 6 Member
    don't give up and the number doesn't matter it's the change your body makes
  • 1bellringer1
    1bellringer1 Posts: 55 Member
    Don't be discouraged. I quit weighing for a while and just use my clothes as a guide. I went from a size 8 to a 12 almost 14 over a period of 6 months do to getting sick last year and spending a couple months on steroids. My goal is to get back to the 8's. Even though the scale says one thing, my pants don't lie. I can feel them getting looser and keep pulling them up now so even though i don't think I'm losing, my pants say yes I am and I'm good with that!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    If there was one thing I learned in the last 16 months I have been here .. it is that the scale is often a horrible way to truly measure success. But it is how the majority of people do it, not always with good results especially if you take the results in an emotional way. Your weight will fluctuate. sometimes a lot. I personally have gained 9 lbs in a day .. but I learned it is just a number and not a reflection of much of anything. I have also lost over 9 lbs overnight, as that is when our bodies do the work of weight loss. So there are many many many of these threads .. and they are all the same. The emotional impact of the scale can be cruel if you allow it to control you. But in the end .. things will work out as long as you are in a deficit.
  • elenacolette
    royaldrea wrote: »
    My weight usually increases by at least 3-4 lbs when my period is on. Plus I get bloated. I know it's coming when my waist looks splooshy (and I bite everyone's heads off and cry at commercials...). Maybe you experience this as well?

    Even if you don't, don't make your weight the central marker of your progress. Judge yourself based on how well you regulate your diet and control your relationship to food. Whether your clothes are fitting a bit better. If you're exercising, whether you've gained strength or endurance. Or just by your ability to stick with a plan even when you're really frustrated and unmotivated! There's so much you can gain from making a consistent effort to improve yourself, as long as you approach it from a place of self-love and not self-loathing.

    Despite all of that, if you continue to eat well (hopefully in moderation and paying attention to your macronutrients etc) you will eventually see results and the scale will go down (or maybe it will go up a bit because you're strength training and you've gained muscle - but if you're smaller and look fit, who cares about a few pounds?).

    Keep at it and don't give up!!! Your response in times of adversity is what separates the champions from everyone else.

    That's why I had to remind myself that flow is coming to town and I always always always forget that you gain weight, but dang, at least just let me gain 1 pound, not 4!! I guess just seeing that number shoot up freaked me out more then it should have knowing the situation.

    I think it's just hard for me because i have my old 8 size jeans that i have to semi squeeze into. I definitely feel like i'm doing a lot better with food, i'm actually going by portion sizes and i'm not lying to myself about what i eat, how much i eat, i'm starting to get strict on myself with portions.
  • elenacolette
    umachanxo wrote: »
    If by hormonal you mean aunt flo, then it's completely normal to be up a few pounds. Also, like a lot of people mentioned, you should weigh yourself the same time of day every week/2 weeks (however long between you want to do it). Also, try taking your measurements. You can lose inches and not lbs sometimes especially when being very active.

    Yes that's exactly what i meant by it, i just didn't want to freak anyone out if they were sensitive about that talk. I've been told i should take measurements because of the differences. I can feel my collar bones a lot more if that counts for now haha.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I started out almost 4 years ago at took 6 WEEKS before the scale moved in a favorable direction. And, it was ups & downs for the next year or so until I finally hit just below goal weight of 135. I'm up to 145ish again, and AGAIN, the scale is playing games. It'll move....eventually. I know what to do and I know how to sustain it. It just takes time.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I've been known to get on the scale in the go to a doctors appointment and be 7+ lbs more than I was in the morning. You can only weigh at the same time of day, every time or you will drive yourself nuts. And make sure it's the same scale, in the same place.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i have TOTALLY changed my lifestyle and food habits and the scale movement is slow. its going down,. but its slow. id rather it be slow and take time than lose it quickly and gain it all back! just take it one day at a time. watch your calories, make sure you move and exercise. it'll keep moving down!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Lots of good advice here, so I'll just add a hang in there! Keep up the good work and give it at least a few months. There will be bad days/bad weeks, the important thing is to keep working towards your goals. You can do this.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'll just add: Reset your expectations in terms of months and years, not days and weeks. This is a long haul process. It takes time. And that's a good thing, because slow weight loss combined with exercise is the best kind of weight loss: You're preserving more muscle mass, minimizing loose skin issues, and most importantly, you're far less likely to regain the weight you lost.

    Embrace the slow. Slow is good.
  • pmanney
    pmanney Posts: 25 Member
    I lost a significant amount of weight over the last year. I vary a few pounds from day to day. For me, this seemed as if it had mostly to do with the amount of water I had been drinking. Additionally, time of day is important for consistency, as mentioned--I am at my lowest if I weigh in the second thing after I arise. It's also more accurate as (TMI) I sleep in little.

    FWIW, I spoke with my nutritionist today, who is also trying to get me to exercise more. She warned me that, as I gain muscle, my weight will rise--muscle is denser.
  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself, it's perfectly normal to see variations. Weight can (and will) fluctuate throughout the day and from day to day based on food/water intake, hormones, any number of things. Weight loss is not a linear process, there will always be peaks and valleys, but the overall trend is what is important.

    To get an idea of how my body behaves from day to day I weigh myself every morning, but only record once a week (at the same time). Out of curiosity I weighed myself this evening, and I am 4 lbs heavier than first thing this morning. I know for a fact that I have not consumed an extra 14000 kcal beyond my maintenance level (I ate my usual ~1400 net kcal today), and I'm willing to bet that by the morning I will be back to where I was first thing today.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I find my weight fluctuates day to day. Find a time and day and weigh your self each week.

    I find Friday morning before work works for me. It's after I have spent 4 days exercising.

    Today I weighed myself and I was up and I wouldn't be surprised when I weigh myself for real tomorrow I'll be back down.

    But in the end it's only a number and going up or staying the same for a few weeks isn't the end of the world.

    Go back over your food and exercise and make sure your not over or under counting those.

    Try again next week.