

  • No idea what your current weight is, but 4 pounds does sound awfully fast for weight loss. I strongly suggest doing some exercise, even if it's just a twenty minute walk to the bus stop. Make sure you're not losing muscle, because the listlessness from your sugar crash may cause you to move less than you normally would,…
  • Well then, it looks like you're on the right track to me. :) Keep it up and I'm sure you'll see results. (And if not, loads of people on this forum would help in a heartbeat, as I'm sure you've noticed ;) )
  • I agree with Sidesteal, it shouldn't really matter when you eat what, as long as it evens out in the end. Make sure you eat enough nutrients and not a lot of empty calories, though. Some people say your evening meal should be the lightest, since you go to sleep after and so your body gets an opportunity to store fat. I…
  • Perhaps you should think about having some post-workout snacks that are high in calories but supergood for you, such as almonds or an apple with peanut butter. Most nuts fall into that category, so go crazy with them. You could also review your exercise plan. Perhaps look into building muscle over burning calories, i.e.…
  • Heya~ I'm 5'9", 25 years old, and my heaviest weight was (two years ago) around 218. (Yikes! I know, I was surprised too, uni snuck up on me heheh). My goal weight is 165, and I'm currently 195-ish. Feel free to add me!
  • Like other people said, you're losing weight just fine. Please don't give up! You're so close to your goal. Try to get that frustration out by doing something different and exciting to exercise.
  • I had the same issue, so I started drinking fruit and herbal teas instead. Pretty soon, I was able to drink tea without any sweetener at all. My hypothesis is that you could be just used to drinking sweet things. If you mix it up and try a new flavour, you won't miss sugar because you never had this flavour before. Then…
    in Tea Comment by Ariyuni July 2012
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