How important is eating back your exercise calories?

MFP tells me to consume around 1550 a day. With the addition of burning around 750/800 a day, it's around 2300. However, I do not see how it's even possible for me to eat that much.

I eat around 1700. However, I don't want to have slow results just because I'm not "stuffing my face" (sort of speak)

Because if it really is that important, I can force myself to eat more. But as it stands now, I'm never hungry. If i am hungry, I have a snack. I thought that was the point...haha


  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I am in the same boat..I am always under at LEAST 300 calories and I feel like I'm losing weight slower than when I just stop eating and don't exercise. :( seems kind of ironic.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    People on here will tell you different things.. as for me if I'm not hungry I wont eat them back. If I am I will. I can bank the extras for a meal out if I like later on.. Its all about what is right for you! Listen to your body and fuel it enough for your exercise regime.. I would suggest eating at least your BMR.

    Try hitting up a group called eat more to weigh less. They have a good explaination about eating at a -15% cut of you TDEE for healthy results. Remember.. a "slow" weightloss isnt a bad thing!
  • Ariyuni
    Ariyuni Posts: 7
    Perhaps you should think about having some post-workout snacks that are high in calories but supergood for you, such as almonds or an apple with peanut butter. Most nuts fall into that category, so go crazy with them.

    You could also review your exercise plan. Perhaps look into building muscle over burning calories, i.e. more weights and less cardio. You might gain weight in the beginning but it'll also increase your metabolism overall.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    Perhaps you should think about having some post-workout snacks that are high in calories but supergood for you, such as almonds or an apple with peanut butter. Most nuts fall into that category, so go crazy with them.

    You could also review your exercise plan. Perhaps look into building muscle over burning calories, i.e. more weights and less cardio. You might gain weight in the beginning but it'll also increase your metabolism overall.

    honestly? i have my dinner after workouts, and also have a mix of almonds/pistachios/peanuts as a snack a couple hours after my workout :)

    i'm definitely going to be adding more muscle building in the future, but for now i'd like to hit a goal weight before i start working hard at building muscle. slow & steady!
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    You can't trust your body to tell you when you need to food and when you don't - it can tell you to eat to much or too little, so tracking calories is the best way. Nothing wrong with saving up calories for a big meal out at the weekend - it's fine to balance these things over a week. Slowly is the right way to lose weight - we need to develop a sustainable way of eating.

    We exercise during weight loss to improve our health and to maintain muscle mass - we want to lose fat not muscle. To support this exercise, we need to eat extra calories. The way MFP works, you'll still be eating a deficit if you eat back all of your exercise calories. So yeh, to lose more fat than muscle, exercise whilst you diet and eat back your exercise calories. Just be careful that you're not overestimating calories burnt or underestimating calories eaten.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I'm certainly no expert, but I'd say if you're netting at least 1200, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If I'm full, I'm not forcing myself to eat more.
  • Ariyuni
    Ariyuni Posts: 7
    honestly? i have my dinner after workouts, and also have a mix of almonds/pistachios/peanuts as a snack a couple hours after my workout :)

    i'm definitely going to be adding more muscle building in the future, but for now i'd like to hit a goal weight before i start working hard at building muscle. slow & steady!

    Well then, it looks like you're on the right track to me. :) Keep it up and I'm sure you'll see results. (And if not, loads of people on this forum would help in a heartbeat, as I'm sure you've noticed ;) )
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    People on here will tell you different things.. as for me if I'm not hungry I wont eat them back. If I am I will. I can bank the extras for a meal out if I like later on.. Its all about what is right for you! Listen to your body and fuel it enough for your exercise regime.. I would suggest eating at least your BMR.

    This is what I do, also. If I am not hungry then I don't eat them all back. After a long workout I don't believe that I could eat back all of them anyway.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    I guess all I can really do is wait a few weeks and see my results. and if it's not good enough, adjust accordingly :) but that's fine, all i have is time!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I am getting really discouraged. 6 weeks into this and only 5 lbs lost. This is eating less than the calories I am permitted and walking 3 miles every morning @ 3 miles per hour) since July 5th with only having 3 days break between then and now. What is the deal? 5 years ago I dropped 40 lbs in a matter of a few months with walking the same amount only 4 times a week. ARGH!
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    I am getting really discouraged. 6 weeks into this and only 5 lbs lost. This is eating less than the calories I am permitted and walking 3 miles every morning @ 3 miles per hour) since July 5th with only having 3 days break between then and now. What is the deal? 5 years ago I dropped 40 lbs in a matter of a few months with walking the same amount only 4 times a week. ARGH!

    i can relate :) 2 years ago i went from 228 to 183 in 2 months. but i suppose this time i'm doing it healthy so it'll take a bit longer :)
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You can't trust your body to tell you when you need to food and when you don't - it can tell you to eat to much or too little, so tracking calories is the best way.

    Tell that to the animal kingdom and all the people on this earth throughout history who relied on their body's signals, not a web app. You CAN trust your body, but it's a skill most American adults need to relearn.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    i can relate :) 2 years ago i went from 228 to 183 in 2 months. but i suppose this time i'm doing it healthy so it'll take a bit longer :)

    I agree..I gained all that back and then some but still it is hard not to get discouraged when you think you are doing it right and still no lbs are coming off :( but I'm not giving up. The walking totally makes me feel better and watching what I eat has only been a positive thing.. Good luck to you too..maybe we can encourage each other not to give up