

  • I take my metformin i the morning with breakfast and then before bed with a snack. Also I did have the stomach adventures when I first started but it evened out. Remember too that you can't take Pepto Bismol as a diabetic, but Kaopectate and Immodium are OK.
    in metformin Comment by missfrau April 2013
  • Hi Robert, I am using the goals given me by my dietician. I will fiddle with the percentages until they approximate those goals. I just was hoping I could directly enter the grams rather than try to approximate. I do not like math enough to really fiddle with it, so I was hoping for a more direct approach!
  • Yes, I have gone there, but the problem is I can't set it using the grams, but only a percentage of the calories. I can't enter grams of carbs/proteins/fat directly.