Meal Plan and My Fitness Pal Goals

Hello. I am new to this discussion board, but I've been using the food diary for a while. In January I was diagnosed with diabetes and I have been working with my doctor and a diabetes educator/ dietician on my meal plan. My doctor prescribed Metformin 2x a day and my meal plan is a 1500 calorie plan.

I am trying to figure out how to set the percentages of the goals for protein, carbs, fat, etc. to reflect my meal plan. Currently my meal plan has 12 carb choices throughout the day, 3-5 servings of vegetables per day, 6 ounces of meat per day, and 5 fat servings of 5 grams per day.

Can anyone out there give me advice about how to set the carb, protein, and fat goals in my goal area to reflect my meal plan? Somehow the only setting is percentages, I can't figure out if or how it is possible to set the goals as grams.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Go to "MY HOME" -> Goals -> at bottom is "Change Goals" in green. You can change things there. Welcome on board.
  • missfrau
    missfrau Posts: 4
    Yes, I have gone there, but the problem is I can't set it using the grams, but only a percentage of the calories. I can't enter grams of carbs/proteins/fat directly.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Yes, I have gone there, but the problem is I can't set it using the grams, but only a percentage of the calories. I can't enter grams of carbs/proteins/fat directly.

    The actual grams associated with the percentage are just to the right of the % box. Just play with the percentage until you get the grams you're looking for :-)
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    @missfrau, from your post you appear to already be able to get to a position where you are able to personalise your goals. Before making a suggestion I would add the caveat that MFP recommend customising your goals only with medical advice. There is a thumbnail approach based on 1 net gram of carbohydrates = 4 cals; 1 gram of Protein = 4 cals; 1 gram of Fat = 9 cals. Assuming that you have your plan based on a daily allowance of X cals it's a simple matter of maths to work out the percentages and then set the goals. You don't say what your goals are but you may be interested in a consensus view that for most people a macronutrient ratio of 40:30:30 for Carbs Protein and Fat is a reasonable target to aim for. I hope this helps to answer your question.
  • missfrau
    missfrau Posts: 4
    Hi Robert,
    I am using the goals given me by my dietician. I will fiddle with the percentages until they approximate those goals. I just was hoping I could directly enter the grams rather than try to approximate.

    I do not like math enough to really fiddle with it, so I was hoping for a more direct approach!