

  • Protien is the best thing to have after a workout , especially interval and weight training. F.ruits have too many sugars. Also try to have some protien at every meal & snack
  • We use Whey Cool - natural ingredients and tastes good too, Check out Designs for Health.
  • Try some Almond Butter - much better for you & yes Fresh Market carries it. Barney Butter (no stir). I too LOVE PB and this has satisfied that craving.
  • You didn't mention what you are eating and if you are exercising. These both play a critical part in our weight loss. Nix all processed foods and stick with "whole foods" and do some form of exercise. You will see results. I cut out glutens in the past 2 wks and noticed a huge difference!
  • Best Diet Pill is NO diet pill - What jump started my weight loss in the past 2 wks was going totally gluten free and dairy free - eating whole foods only, lots of veggies, fruit (low sugar fruits) and protien (no red meat). It's amazing how much better I feel, lost 7 lbs and lost all my belly bloat.