Thanks for the reply! I will incorporate more core work in my workouts!
I eat the same breakfast every day (6 ounces greek yogurt, 1/4 cup granola, 1 tablespoon chia seeds) and then I will typically eat the same types of foods for lunch and dinner (turkey or salmon). It's just easier for me that way.
Mine are looking more perky and alert as well. They're still smaller than they were before, but they look a lot more lifted now. I do attribute it to strength training for sure.
Christina Hendricks!
I wish that were the case, but I've gone from a very full DD to a large B/small C. I need to get refitted, but they're pretty pathetic compared to what they used to be. Oh well, this is for health, right?! hahaha
I can't eat more than like a tablespoon of any rice. It makes me throw up.
Thanks guys!
Hey, cool! Thanks!
I hear ya on this one! I can let the scale dictate how I feel. I've managed to get down to weighing only once a week and that has helped me take back some of the power that I was giving to the scale.
Thanks for the info!
All good points! I'm approaching weight loss this time entirely different thanks to this site. Slow and steady for a whole lifestyle change.
I juice once a day, typically after my workout. I incorporate it into a healthy diet. Works for me thus far!
Social Work!
Yeah, I know that the weight will taper off, but I feel like I'm finally taking charge of my body in a healthy manner and I want to continue this lifestyle.
Thanks! I feel super motivated!
I eat probably 2-3 fruits a day and am losing weight. I don't, however, eat much of the processed sugars. I avoid candy, ice cream, etc and eat very little bread.
That's exactly why I am losing weight! I want to be able to have a home birth when my partner and I try for a baby after I graduate from college. I would like to lose about 50 lbs.
I'll do it!
Wow! You look so amazing!
I just bought a pound off of Amazon for $12 with free shipping.
I do! I typically have one after my workout.