Pbterra Member


  • I did find "Zone Perfect" bars at Wegman's and they are GOOD... BUT I don't know how perfect they are! Frustrating actually... Almost 2 Protein Blocks, little over 2 Blocks of Carbs but it has 6 grams of fat! 6/1.5=4 Blocks of fat! how is that Zone Perfect???? What do you all think???? exact details Double Dark Chocolate…
  • ***WISH this would notify us when people post!!!!*** I have this zone excel document calculator that I have and seems to help me. I printed it in 1 block page & also 3 block so can easily see quantity fast. http://ebookbrowse.com/zone-block-calculator-2003-44183-xls-d98335652
  • A good multivitamin is very important but also many vegtables don't get the press they should have because they are calcuium rich... kale, almonds, dried figs (dont know paleo or not), arugula, broccoli, and oranges to name a few... here is an excerpt from an article I just read:…
    in Calcium Comment by Pbterra January 2013
  • I am and Shari Michaels lost and is loosing a lot of weight on it... I can try and help :)