

  • Cheerios, (plain) If you were stranded on an island you could have 3 things with you, but nothing that can help you off the island, what would you take?
  • I agree with you on eating in moderation. I don't like to deprive myself of anything, but I really truly cannot have cheese puffs, cheetos, anything of that type in the house, I will eat more than necessary, and I will feel horrible about myself the next day. My roommate just bought some, and I want to toss it into the…
  • I love roasted red pepper hummus, not spicy from costco! :) I do vanilla yogart from trader joes, with granola and fresh fruit, BEST THING for a night dessert is chop up bananas sprinkle cinnamon (to taste) and drizzle honey on it! It's filling, satisfies your sweet tooth, and honey and cinnamon are so good for you! I also…
  • What if you dont eat something big, to at least try to ween off of that habit without trying to cold turkey it. If you have to get up and eat something have something like almonds handy only 5 or 6 or a table spoon of sunflower seeds... and when you eat it, take a bit of the almond feel the texture of it in your hand, and…
  • I wish that happened to me after 9 pm... its 9 now I am about to eat dinner, just got home.
  • last night i ate 3 hand fulls of honey combs cereal. with no milk lol