

  • Thats how i started out running,just getting around the corner,and adding small distances each time.I never thought i could get up to the distance of 11/2 miles,and like you said it dont sound much compared to many ,but its how everyone starts. My goal is to run 3 miles 3 times a week,mix it up with some interval training…
  • Well im pretty active,i train everyday with a mix of cardio and strength training.I adjusted my diet,and today consumed just over 1500 calories.Will i be ok with this amount ?. The one thing i am struggling with is my protein.Im getting just over 100gm a day,and that's with a protein drink im taking as well.Im short by…
  • ive started eating mores nuts peanut butter etc into my diet of late,I think ill just up the quantities a bit see how it goes cheers guys
  • Yeah im aware about the starvation mode thing,i just did a proper count for today and im on 1320 calories.So as i eat basically the same foods give or take the odd things here and there,thats where im at. Im 5'7 157 pounds.