dclem2012 Member


  • Kym, I am also just starting Keto. Had done Whole 30 successfully a few years ago. Very similar. Lost 19 pounds in 30 days. Kept off for about 2 years. Then gained most back over time, life, and lack of focus over the last 2 years. I love how I felt when I was eating healthier. I want a keto jump start until I get my…
  • Not teenagers...in our home (3kids and homeschooled K to 12) there were no terrible 2's, no pre hormonal tweens, not even teenager angst. NOW our youngest is a college senior (psychology major, no less)...and BAM it all hits the fan. I was faithfull at gym for over a year doing stepper and weights. I started because I had…
  • Looking for support. Will join forum post updates, and group. Love the thread. I have been active in a couple of groups. Two in early fall. And presently : 50lbs in 2015. I like the closed groups. Seem much more positive...and get to know friends. Thank you....for all your comments, posts, and encouragement. I am on-line…
  • I have found that a lot of stews, pot roasts, even chili work suprisingly well over greens instead of starches. My favorite is shredded pot roast over spinach or kale with some low fat shredded cheddar. The warmth from the meat slightly wilts the greens but you still get that wonderful crunch.
  • I agree some people, including family, are TOXIC.
  • Love Planet Fitness. Paid $100 for a year, no contract, no start up fee. So that comes to $8.33 a month. Ours is very clean. I actually watch them doing so. I think my workout time is their "clean up time". Well maintained. Great crew. Several of the young men have periodically helped me with my routine, though I pretty…
  • NSV already today. MMMMMmmmm.....thought I was going to grab an extra sausage link for breakfast (4 instead of 3). I rarely use all my calories. BUT by the time I ate my regular 2 scrambled eggs with 4 large TBS of salsa, half a grapefruit, and drank most of my coffee...I put the 4th one back.
  • HokeyPokey2 - Thank you. I have not been below 200 is a very long time! Btw...I smile when I see you 'name'. We do mission trips to Guatemala and Romania twice a year to host VBS camps. It is always a favorite to teach the kids (and yes the adults, too) the Hokey Pokey. Everyone loves it! We often have it translated, but…
  • Week ended with ALMOST 2 pounds. I know this is now settling in to the normal weight loss pattern. Had a few emotional days (nothing to do with "diet program" or the scales). BUT am determined not to eat my way through it. IF I do, I will then just start beating myself up over it. So, it won't help! AND then I will be…
  • Also, brush teeth after dinner. Clean kitchen and consider it closed until morning.
  • raindancer, Thank you. I am working very hard at this. AND spend a lot of time here and on Dr. Oz to keep me motivated. Everytime I want to cheat, I tell my self "at breakfast, then I step on the scale." I know it seems strange but helps. Seeing results keeps me focused on the long term, instead of the now. BTW...this has…
  • Just planning as T-giving will be here before we know it. Just read an article on MFP. Liked these comments. "..Two rules for keeping Thanksgiving Weight Neutral: “The first rule of Thanksgiving is that it’s free. But the second is that it’s one day.” "Dedicate all your planning energy to the days leading up to and the…
  • Ditto, what Cherirana said. Closer you to goal, the slower it goes. BUT consistently watching diet will pay off in many ways. On the bright side...for me a pound seems miniscule. On you I am sure a pound or two makes a big difference. SO Keep up the great progress!! Nliette, isn't it funny how motivating others is often…
  • Week 1 Down 2.6 pounds I Had a great week (4th) of NSVs. Ate out three times. And passed my OWN test. Practicing for Holidays. :smile: Ate Chinese food one day. Beef with broccoli, and chicken with veggies. No rice. Gave egg roll to one of my "starving" college boys. Church potluck today: Made all good choices. Glad I took…
  • Glad to see so many here supporting one another. I keep thinking to myself....every "unhealthy" choice I put off now, means that I will start the holiday season at a lower weight. Then 1) I will make healthier choices most of the time, as I will be motivated. 2) Once I have my appetite and mind under control, my…
  • My goal is 10 pounds by Thanksgiving. I want to start the holidays ahead of the ball, and in control of myself so that I can make better choices while still indulging in the occassional treat. SW 214 (Oct 6) CW 202.2 (Oct 25) TGW 192 (by Tgiving. I will be very thankful...as I have not seen that weight since I was pregnant…
  • You have done a lot of hard work. You actually look like you could be your own daughter. You look half your age! Congrats.
  • Body Fortress Advanced Vanilla Whey. I mix with almond milk, coconut milk, or diet soda. My favorite are diet cream or diet orange, but rootbeer is also a fav. Fruit and fat free vanilla yoghurt are added depending on what I have around the house. I usually freeze my berries and yoghurt, so that I don't have to use ice..…
  • AND ALWAYS drink lots of water before and after to flush the excess sodium...
  • I like the shrimp and brocolli. No batter. Get steamed rice. And throw about 3.4 of rice away. There are usually about 5-6 shrimp and the rest is brocolli. It does have a brown sauce. But not over abundant....and I ask for it spicy, so I don't want the extra soy
  • I would guess that to be a measurement "taking" differntial on your part. Muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space, so your measurements should go down. But do to human error, you may hold a tape is slightly different spots when you measure, especially if you are toning up.. At a 3 pound loss, I think their…
  • I have a torn achilles (with scarring) and some planter fasciitus as result. I have also use Asics. BUT I still have to add inserts. I get the Dr. Scholls Active. Take the one out of the shoe and re-insert Dr.S. I find that very few shoes actually have the arch support I need. The soreness I get actually tends to feel like…
  • Actually, I have been doing strength training, squats, and elliptical on my non-running days. BUT I had been doing the elliptical for about 18 months, so was already doing about 1 hour before I started c25k. It uses very different muscles from running.
  • I also recommend the C25K. I started mid Jan and could barely run the 1 minutes. Now am doing 20 minutes in a row of running. Not at the full 5 K run yet, but getting there (and I had 2 different complete weeks off during that time). --Now, I have to tell you I had tried the C25K early last summer and gave up after a few…
  • I was told by my trainer that he would rather hear me grunt or blowing out air loudly than see me quietly holding my breath! Same for treadmill, He would rather hear me whisper singing than not breathing.
  • Just thought I would jump in with a few thoughts. 1) Be sure you are eating balanced. Especially watch reduce carbs from white bread, pasta, rice, and sugars. 2) Be sure you are eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies not only are they healthy carbs, but the contain lots of fiber (that actually negates carb effect);…