

  • No chocolate for me this Valentine's Day!!!! I made it through without having any craving for it....... Well the weather has been much warmer in Texas, but the wind has blown a gale today. Had planned on helping my husband build a wild hog trap today, but didn't because of how windy and dusty it was. Ended up watching a…
  • Our neighbor who is a heart specialist found out that I had bought coconut oil and was cooking with it. He told me to quit using it.....its a fad and very very bad to clog arteries!!!
  • Don't give can do this!! I know what you are feeling.....I have felt the same way. Sounds like the weather has you down. If you love baking, try finding new fat free, low calorie recipes and experiment. If you have access to a gym, grab a bottle of water or 2, head to the treadmill with a good book and get lost…
  • We are going to a Valentine theme get together with several couples. Everyone bringing a covered dish, lots of delicious food, and lots of beverages....HELP .... HELP...... This is where I'm the weakest....always like to take part and have a grand ol time.