I can feel myself losing the beginning excitement

I have attempted weight loss in my past. I tried weight watchers online (twice) and then have come back and forth to myfitnesspal a few times.

Im not sure what caused me to be as motivated as I was this time around, but I have never been as heavy as what I saw on the scale and my new jeans were a size I thought I'd never see let alone fit into. I have been tracking for over 20 days. This is HUGE for me. Usually even with weight watchers I'd track a week tops before losing interest and reverting to my old ways.

I am also exercising for the first time in years. For the first two weeks it felt fun and challenging and its still challenging but I feel this week that I am losing interest fast in everything. In tracking, in figuring out calories, in exercising. Im finding it hard to resist baked goods and I love baking as a stress reliever in this horrible snowed in weather.

I'm just struggling and for the first time in years I feel like I am aware. I can feel the newness wearing off and maybe Im getting into the next phase of this. I want and NEED to lose this weight. I want to learn to be a healthy and fit person. I don't even know why I am venting I need to go do my workout. Im just having a hard week and wanted to vent. I am really struggling with feeling motivated and I know Im the only person who can do this.


  • RachelSD7
    RachelSD7 Posts: 65 Member
    I know how you feel - I've been doing this for 5 weeks, and for the first time I'm making a real effort to dieting AND exercise. This week has just been an uphill struggle just to stay motivated to do anything - logging food, going to exercise - ANYTHING!
    I've lost 10lbs, but am still a long way from finishing. No-one has noticed the weight loss, my clothes still don't fit, and I just feel like sitting down and letting it all creep back on, but I have to think about how much I'll hate myself for giving up when I wake up wearing a tent because no clothes will fit me.
    Rant over.

    You are doing so well! The fact you are now aware means that you can identify and avoid slipping up! Everyone feels the novelty wear off at some point. If 77lbs feels like too much of a challenge, maybe take it 1lb at a time? Keep focused on each little tiny lb, and one day you'll look up and realise than 10 have gone. Or if exercise is the goal, one class at a time?
    We can do this!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    What is your calorie goal? Are you maybe being too restrictive with your diet?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    What is your calorie goal? Are you maybe being too restrictive with your diet?


    And I also find this good. It applies to me, maybe not everyone. I read it after I lost my weight but it clicked with me, this is what I did.

  • It could have been me writing your post. I feel exactly the same way. This is always what I do - motivated and keen for a month or so, lose a few pounds, feel better about myself, lose the motivation, put weight back on……..

    I try to tell myself how wonderful I feel when I step on the scales and see a loss, or when my clothes feel looser. I know that feeling is much better than the short term 'high' from eating or drinking something naughty. But the first of those feelings requires a hell of a lot of work and the other just requires opening the fridge…..

    If you like, add me as a friend and maybe we can give each other a daily motivational nudge?

    Good luck. We'll get there. (I hope!)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    What is your calorie goal? Are you maybe being too restrictive with your diet?

    This. Generally it comes down to an overly restricted diet or over exercising.
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    What are your calories set at? And are you eating your exercise calories back?

    I used to be like this, but not this time, because I am allowing myself treats and I am eating everything I want to eat, but smaller portions/ in moderation. Is there anything you have cut out completely that you are craving? And is there any way of substituting it?

    For example
    I craved chocolate so I tried Nakd bars, they're brilliant.
    I was craving chinese food so I cooked a healthier version
    I was craving pepsi so I had a diet one instead.

    If you really want to do it, you will, everyone has weak points, if you feel yourself falling one day, just remember tomorrow is another day and start again. You need to be patient, it's not going to happen over night.

    Good luck!
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Have you noticed any positive differences in the last 20 days at all? If yes, then cling onto that and keep reminding yourself that you have just started, yes it's a long journey but you can do it.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It happens to us all, and its usually after 4/5 weeks in....
    but think long term, how you want to look and feel, your health - the bigger picture - stick with it, maybe if you find you would like to eat more, up your cals a little bit. If you are getting fed up with exercise, try something different. I promise you this, if you stick at it, make small changes and keep seeing those 1lbs melting away you will be soo glad you kept at it :)

    Once you get into the habit of eating less and exercising you will enjoy the new and fitter you and you will love how you look.

    And once people start noticing...then you'll get excited all over again :-D

    Wishing you all the best with this, you can do this - you're worth it :)
  • Don't give up.....you can do this!! I know what you are feeling.....I have felt the same way. Sounds like the weather has you down. If you love baking, try finding new fat free, low calorie recipes and experiment. If you have access to a gym, grab a bottle of water or 2, head to the treadmill with a good book and get lost in the story. Sounds like you have done well so far.....so don't give up. You will feel bad about yourself if you do....YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Motivation fades. No one can be motivated long-term, period.

    Accept the fact that motivation will cease to exist for long periods of time.

    Now is the time to develop the discipline to get it done even though you're not motivated.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Also, 8 pounds in 20 days!?!? Congratulations!!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Motivation fades. No one can be motivated long-term, period.

    Accept the fact that motivation will cease to exist for long periods of time.

    Now is the time to develop the discipline to get it done even though you're not motivated.

    Truth, yo. I've been an MFP revolving door the last year, as I hadn't quite built up the habits to keep me going through the unmotivated times. Build habits and discipline.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Yeah, I'm losing it a bit too, but I'm getting my *kitten* up and going to the gym anyway. Hopefully next week will be better.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    You are so very right. It isn't easy. And no on can make the changes except you. It will eventually, if you keep at it, become a habit, however, which makes it at least a little easier.

    I'm not one who was ever big on working out. When my weight ballooned due to hypothyroidism, I had to make a decision. I could either accept the diagnosis and just decide that, due to my faulty metabolism, I would be fat for the rest of my life. OR... I could put in the effort and make the changes to lose the weight. I lost the weight, but then, about a year and a half later, I got lazy and stopped working out. 15-20 of the 40 lbs I had lost crept back (in only about 6 months time). I decided two years ago last month that I was done. I joined MFP and started tracking what I ate. I lost a few pounds, but, once I started working out that April, I began seeing a lot MORE changes. Once I got to my goal weight, I was amazed and in shock over my own progress. I know now, though, that, due to my thyroid disease, if I want to stay this size and still be able to eat a good amount of food, I have to work out. I found workouts that work for me, intense and short.

    I'm so much stronger and healthier now than I've probably ever been in my life. I like that. It makes it worth the 30 minutes a day. 30 minutes is nothing. You can do just about anything for 30 minutes. It WILL get easier... But, I'll say, nearly 2 years into working out 5 days per week, I still have days when I just don't want to. I make myself do it, because I don't want one day of slacking to turn into two, or three, etc. I also take breaks, I'm on one right now, as a matter of fact... I take a week off periodically, usually when I've finished a program, so every couple of months at least. But I know what I'm going to be doing next week, so I don't get off-track.

    As far as baking, I'm not much help there, but I know there are healthier alternatives that you could try making instead. There are sites dedicated to those types of things. Or, if you want to make the things you always have made, make them, but maybe try making a half batch, or give away most of the finished product. To neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, etc. You don't have to give up everything you love to make these changes. You have to figure out how to make the lifestyle change work for YOU. Everyone is different.

    But the bottom line is that this is for YOU, only YOU can make the changes, and YOU have to decide if it's worth it or not.

    Best wishes!
  • TBarron784
    TBarron784 Posts: 24 Member
    I can only agree with what everyone has said. It's a shift in the mindset that separates the "boys from the men" (girls from the women). Its more structure and planning than motivation. The desire has to be greater than the addiction to succeed. Keep sharing and keep coming and this too shall pass....
  • What is your calorie goal? Are you maybe being too restrictive with your diet?

    Im actually giving myself 2000 cals a day! I know that seems INSANE but Im still losing weight because I know I was eating a lot more on some days. Im starting at 2k and working my way down slowly. so I have plenty of calories to work with.
  • It could have been me writing your post. I feel exactly the same way. This is always what I do - motivated and keen for a month or so, lose a few pounds, feel better about myself, lose the motivation, put weight back on……..

    I try to tell myself how wonderful I feel when I step on the scales and see a loss, or when my clothes feel looser. I know that feeling is much better than the short term 'high' from eating or drinking something naughty. But the first of those feelings requires a hell of a lot of work and the other just requires opening the fridge…..

    If you like, add me as a friend and maybe we can give each other a daily motivational nudge?

    Good luck. We'll get there. (I hope!)

    thank you so much I have sent you a request!
  • niniagrn
    niniagrn Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with another reading, motivation will fade in and out but you are going to have to hate being over the weight you want to be more. That has kept me going, is the HATE I had for the EXTRA UNWANTED WEIGHT!!! I HATE IT!!!!!! So that makes me get up every morning at 4:30 am, six days a week to work out and immediatly after I log in my breakfast and exercise.

    I still eat what I want but only in smaller amounts because some things I refuse to eliminate completely from my life. I've been on MFP since August, after seeing birthday pictures and pick to lose only 1/2 lb per week. Because I didn't want this to be diet, I want it to become a new lifestyle (which it has)!!!

    You have to decide what you want more!!!
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    It's not about motivation. So get that crap out of your head. People that are successful at this just make it a habit. Every single one of us has days where we just don't want to do it. But, we force ourselves. That's habit and ritual, not motivation. Motivation is a stupid word and is fleeting. I wish it would be eliminated from language. Make diet and exercise a habit, like brushing your teeth. It's just something you do. There is not other option. Would you go 2 weeks or a month without ever brushing your teeth. Fitness is the same. Just make yourself do it every damn day. All of it. Eating right and exercising. And understand that there is no end-game. There is no goal. This is now what you do forever. That's it.

    So totally this - either you do it or don't - motivation is fleeting, it changes, it leaves us. You make it a habit to make it stick even when you don't want to
  • Also, 8 pounds in 20 days!?!? Congratulations!!!

    Thank you!