

  • Images of Conwy! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=conwy+images&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari#biv=i%7C5%3Bd%7C7gaNc2nqHUgW1M%3A
  • Hi, I started again 2 weeks ago weighing 226lbs, I'm using MFP to help me follow the 5:2 diet plan and lost 14lbs In the first 2 weeks. Thus far it seems a brilliant way to lose weight and more it seems like something I can make work into the future. The tiny number of calories you are eating will send your body into…
  • Just thought I'd say 'hi'. I'm on the weightloss and then maintain track so not what you are looking for for support but your user name caught my eye as I grew up in a town called Conway/ Conwy (the name officially reverted to the welsh spelling during my childhood) And it's the middle of the night here andi'm up with a…
  • "Dropping the spoons" tends to happen a lot less once you have children, given a bed and a free hour most couple in the first year or 2 can find a better use for them than sex :laugh: BMI is a nonsense. Show me a Rugby (or football for those on the other side of the pond) player who's BMI would not suggest he was obese or…
  • Excellent, there are a few of us! I will add those of you who said I may and accept those who've added me. Maybe we can keep each other going!
  • Im going with tunic tops and stretchy leggings in the main as they cover a multitude of sizes.
  • Hi, I'm 41, looking to lose 70-80lbs. Happy to support each other
  • I'd love to, if someone can tell me how. I'm new to all this, I signed up a week ago and am doing ok so far but help is always welcome!