Scared of food

I am a 43 year old woman who has gained 100 pounds in the last seven years. I fell down the stairs and ended up in a cast, then had several more falls and ended up in a wheelchair and several more casts, and eventually ankle surgery. All of this time being basically unable to move I began to gain weight. I found that I LOVE food and ate and ate until I was almost 260 pounds at 5'8".

I hate it. I have NO clothes that fit, I don't want to go in public, I am uncomfortable and I don't feel good about myself at all.

A couple of weeks ago I decided that it was my time. I began by riding my recumbent bike 30 minutes a day every other day, and it is HARD! By the time I am done I am sweaty and I need a shower. I PUSH hard through to get it done no matter what. Now I am doing 30 minutes every single day.

The problem is my food. I completely quit eating normal food. I drink one Shakeology for breakfast EVERY DAY, then I eat a raw kale-spinach-cabbage salad for lunch (no dressing), then maybe another Shakeology for dinner or SOMETIMES a Nutrisystem dinner entrée. I drink a LOT of unsweet green tea and water. It has got to the point where I am eating about 5-600 calories a day. I do get hungry but it's like I am terrified of food now. I am making progress but I don't want to weigh in because I don't want to be disappointed. I have obviously lost weight but I don't know how to proceed.

The words of my doctor keep playing in my head... Calories in, calories out. I am terrified of calories now.

I feel like if I start eating again I will NEVER get to my goal weight, at the same time I am afraid that I am going to crash and end up collapsing or gorging. I want this soooo bad that I am completely dedicated but afraid of failure too.



  • TillyGuernsey
    I started again 2 weeks ago weighing 226lbs,
    I'm using MFP to help me follow the 5:2 diet plan and lost 14lbs In the first 2 weeks. Thus far it seems a brilliant way to lose weight and more it seems like something I can make work into the future.
    The tiny number of calories you are eating will send your body into ketosis, you will lose weight but ut's not sustainable.
    Even if you lose only 2lbs a week that's 7.5 stones in a year.