

  • I'm going to try and incorporate more non-processed foods. I have noticed that I haven't been eating as many fruits and vegetables and have relied too heavily on convenient processed food. I also need to keep an eye in my sodium because I feel like I retain water easily. I typically drink 80-100 ounces per day and rarely…
  • Stardancer - the weight I lost before did come back over the course of several years. But I've lost weight since then - meaning I would gain 20 pounds and lose 10. Between graduate school, moving 6 times in 2 years, and different events that sparked emotional eating, it all came back. Point being - I don't believe that the…
  • Thanks so much for the replies. I've lost 75 lbs before - its been a few years but I did it in 7-8 months. So I know how to lose weight but maybe I'm going too hard. My rationale was that I'm out of school for the summer (I'm a speech-language pathologist) so I was going to dedicate my summer to losing a bunch of weight…