Otsego7875 Member


  • nope. no medications :(
  • I read the post that you linked me to, but I am confused by what exactly you are saying. What are you suggesting that i do exactly?
  • a few days. I weight myself every day (I know, bad) but I have always had body issues and have developed a sort of phobia of gaining weight. I fixate when I gain even a few hundred grams so when I up my caloric intake and see those (even small) gains it effects my mental health (probably more than my physical health).
  • It might be not enough calories, but then wouldn't blood tests indicate deficiencies? I have none.
  • I'm definitely not going down the rogaine path. I feel like it's a bandaid. If there is something going on internally I would like to treat that. Also rogaine is a slippery slope, once you stop using it symptoms worsen X10. I don't want to depend on it forever. I have seen a dermatologist, my scalp looks fine but he didn't…
  • These suggestions are good, but when I increase my calories i gain weight :( EVERYTIME!!! And I really don't eat many calories. If I eat back exercise calories, I gain weight. This is something that makes me really nervous. Im scared to try again.
  • Im not diabetic. In terms of PCOS, I'm going to get checked, but my cycle is very regular (irregularity is pretty much THE defining symptom, right?)
  • No. Unfortunately I don't live in the US where it's a s easy as "if your doctor isn't cooperating with you, switch doctors." I have a high TSH (4.8) but that is in what my GP considers normal range (.5-5). She refuses to acknowledge the new ranges used in the states (.5-3.5) , where my TSH is def hypothyroid. So no. No…
  • I know that it is bad what I'm doing but I am so scared (honestly I think I have a phobia) of gaining weight ( because of how hard it is for me to lose it) that increasing my calories is actually physically distressing to me. At this point is psychological and I don't know what to do. My body problems consume my life.
  • I've been at 1200 calories and exercising at least 5 days a week for years. If I eat back exercise burns or more than 1200 I gain weight. Period. Welcome to the world of a messed up thyroid. I will forever h e to be on a diet to even maintain weight.
  • But the thing is that I DO feel fat/bloated/puffy when I look in the mirror even BEFORE I weigh myself I I know that I've gained weight by just looking. And the weirder thing is if its water weight, fine then it should come off after a few days but it takes forever usually and it cancels out most of my progress making…