janeneo Member


  • The first time I was on it I was a little more emotional than usual, this time, I haven't noticed that problem. (then again the first relationship was not healthy.) I can't say my weight gain was due to the ring. The weight I gained after I started was from being on prednisone. I will say though, my boobies are bigger, and…
    in Nuva ring Comment by janeneo August 2009
  • [/quote] Ok I have a serious question for you then since you're in the business. Do those colon cleanses really work? I mean I've sen one article that warned you of graphical images and excuse me for being graphic but they SHOWED what was coming out of them and it looked like something that was in them for a long time and…
  • Nuvo Ring! my boobbies got bigger (awesome) and my weight gain didn't coincide with it. Now I'm loosing what i gained before I started the ring even with it in. My life is so hectic I worried I wouldn't remember to take the pill everyday at the same time. This I put only deal with this twice a month.
  • Nuvo Ring! my boobbies got bigger (awesome) and my weight gain didn't coincide with it. Now I'm loosing what i gained before I started the ring even with it in. My life is so hectic I worried I wouldn't remember to take the pill everyday at the same time. This I put only deal with this twice a month.
  • My cat got out last summer and at 4 AM in the rain I was trying to climb under my neighbor's deck, cause I thought she would go under there. This may sound crazy, but when she got out I left her food on my back steps and sprinkled the stairs with flour so if she came back I would know it. I kept checking the stairs and…
  • I've never posted before but this got me to do it! That woman needed to be put in her place, and I think you did it brilliantly! She had the common sense of a two year old, so she should drink out of a two year old's cup! My eyes watered when I read that, and I just wanted to say your husband is right! Caring what other…