Remind me why diet products do NOT work> >>

the ads and the marketing technique that are used can be so alluring.

Slow and EASY ! ! ! !


  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Just remember........the ads have to be really convincing and alluring because they would never make any money otherwise. Their products are junk and don't work!!! They have to hook people with the fabulous marketing because word of mouth would put them out of business!:laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I hear meth is a great way to lose weight too :wink:
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Yes, the ads are alluring but the reality is that there's no miracle cure to losing the weight that took years to put on. Even if there were pills that helped you lose weight there would be a lot of negative health effects and as it stands now most of those pills and cures out there do have a detrimental affect on a person's health.

    It's a shame that they can't ban these ads until they have been medically proven for the accuracy of the facts they purport to market.

    As hard as it is to do the safest and healthiest way to lose weight is through working out, eating healthy and getting a lot of support from family and friends!
  • chickalistic
    chickalistic Posts: 14 Member
    Meth works... until you stop. It's not woth it and never will be. :wink:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I hear meth is a great way to lose weight too :wink:

    And teeth! :laugh:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Because they have you do things that you can't do for the rest of your life...
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I hear meth is a great way to lose weight too :wink:

    :laugh: I hope you don't mind if I use this. I'm going to keep it in my head as a perfect answer to those ads that promise you the moon. Hard work and patience doesn't make for sexy commercials or money for the drug companys.But it also doesn't cost you your teeth, health, and famly.
  • verifire
    verifire Posts: 44
    real food = real taste and real nutrition
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    *prepares for rotten tomatoes*

    Trust me, those products and companies are CRAP. Know why? Because I write their ads! I'm in the internet marketing business and my specialty is diet/colon cleansing/anti-aging offers. Sometimes I shake my head when I have to write the crap, but if I don't do it - somebody will, so I might as well feed my family in the process. :tongue:

    So - DON'T give in. From an insider, its just not worth it. :ohwell:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    *prepares for rotten tomatoes*

    Trust me, those products and companies are CRAP. Know why? Because I write their ads! I'm in the internet marketing business and my specialty is diet/colon cleansing/anti-aging offers. Sometimes I shake my head when I have to write the crap, but if I don't do it - somebody will, so I might as well feed my family in the process. :tongue:

    So - DON'T give in. From an insider, its just not worth it. :ohwell:

    At least your honest about it when it counts.
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    *prepares for rotten tomatoes*

    Trust me, those products and companies are CRAP. Know why? Because I write their ads! I'm in the internet marketing business and my specialty is diet/colon cleansing/anti-aging offers. Sometimes I shake my head when I have to write the crap, but if I don't do it - somebody will, so I might as well feed my family in the process. :tongue:

    So - DON'T give in. From an insider, its just not worth it. :ohwell:

    At least your honest about it when it counts.

    Ok I have a serious question for you then since you're in the business. Do those colon cleanses really work? I mean I've sen one article that warned you of graphical images and excuse me for being graphic but they SHOWED what was coming out of them and it looked like something that was in them for a long time and they were losing weight. I mean of course they were dieting and exercising without pills but the cleanser was helping "detoxify". Does that stuff really work in most cases?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Ok I have a serious question for you then since you're in the business. Do those colon cleanses really work? I mean I've sen one article that warned you of graphical images and excuse me for being graphic but they SHOWED what was coming out of them and it looked like something that was in them for a long time and they were losing weight. I mean of course they were dieting and exercising without pills but the cleanser was helping "detoxify". Does that stuff really work in most cases?

    I am not directly involved with the company, I work through an affiliate network so I don't know the inner workings of the company. I WILL say though that a colleague of mine has had success (graphic success) with Colonix. Keep in mine they followed everything religiously, taking the supplement, drinking the tea at the right time etc.

    But on the whole, the 'Colonix knockoffs' (UltraCleansePlus, UltimateColonCleanse etc) don't appear to do much of anything. They are more or less glorified fiber/sugar pills.

    I CAN tell your for certain that 95% of 'testimonials' are written or severely tweaked by advertisers, what they say is not governed by ANY medical body - so they could claim their pill would make you fly and never get in trouble for it. They use the CNN and Opera icons to make you think their product works, but most of the time those companies were talking about colon cleansers in general, not THEIR colon cleanser.

    If asked if it 'worked in most cases' the answer would have to be a resounding no. :ohwell:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    *prepares for rotten tomatoes*

    Trust me, those products and companies are CRAP. Know why? Because I write their ads! I'm in the internet marketing business and my specialty is diet/colon cleansing/anti-aging offers. Sometimes I shake my head when I have to write the crap, but if I don't do it - somebody will, so I might as well feed my family in the process. :tongue:

    So - DON'T give in. From an insider, its just not worth it. :ohwell:

    At least your honest about it when it counts.

    I would never promote dietary falsehood to the MFP community - these are people trying to improve their health and their lives, not drop a few pounds. (Well maybe drop a few pounds in the process!!)

    Besides, as a fellow overweight MFP - it just wouldn't seem right. :smile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I hear meth is a great way to lose weight too :wink:

    And teeth! :laugh:

    Hello? Teeth weigh something too!! When they fall out, you've lost at least a few ounces!!! :wink:

    I know my first response was in fun, but having seen enough family and friends buy all these infomercial crap products, I know they don't work.

    I fell pray to buying this really cool spinning hairbrush that was supposed to make your hair silky smooth and not frizzy at all. I mean, I SAW HIM FIX THE MODEL'S HAIR! But $50 later, I realized it was all a set up.

    I'm skeptical of ANYTHING I see on tv, especially weight loss products (the only thing that works and doesn't damage your body is good nutrition and exercise) and exercise equipment that suddenly gives you the sculpted body you always wanted without any work.

  • janeneo
    janeneo Posts: 7 Member

    Ok I have a serious question for you then since you're in the business. Do those colon cleanses really work? I mean I've sen one article that warned you of graphical images and excuse me for being graphic but they SHOWED what was coming out of them and it looked like something that was in them for a long time and they were losing weight. I mean of course they were dieting and exercising without pills but the cleanser was helping "detoxify". Does that stuff really work in most cases?

    Hello- Just to warn you, anything that promises to "Cleanse your Colon" also robs your "gut" of the essential bacteria and gastrointestinal juices needed to digest food and nutrients. You could be robbing your body of vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy metabolism for a long time.

    Though I kinda know how you feel. Ever since I've been exercising after work I go home starving. I actually broke down at the drug store two days ago and asked the pharmacist if there was any "appeitite supressors" on the market that weren't really bad for me. She said they are ALL really bad, and I'm better off eating more fiber. I swore to myself I'd never take that stuff, I'm glad i asked a professional first.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    my boyfriend takes this stuff called PB8 its sposed to put in 14million good bacteria in your body and he says it makes him i thought about taking it but the thought of 14million bacteria going into my system somehow seems worse than eating all the chemicals from the diet pills :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    my boyfriend takes this stuff called PB8 its sposed to put in 14million good bacteria in your body and he says it makes him i thought about taking it but the thought of 14million bacteria going into my system somehow seems worse than eating all the chemicals from the diet pills :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I used to take PB8 and it's not really a diet pill...just a good digestive pill. It worked for me for a while but like always my system got used to it and I needed a prescription...oh well...but it's not harmful at all. It's like the bacteria in Activia or any other yogurt...just more of it. I have IBS so it really helped me alot so if you have digestive or irregular gets the job done in a very natural way.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    my boyfriend takes this stuff called PB8 its sposed to put in 14million good bacteria in your body and he says it makes him i thought about taking it but the thought of 14million bacteria going into my system somehow seems worse than eating all the chemicals from the diet pills :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I used to take PB8 and it's not really a diet pill...just a good digestive pill. It worked for me for a while but like always my system got used to it and I needed a prescription...oh well...but it's not harmful at all. It's like the bacteria in Activia or any other yogurt...just more of it. I have IBS so it really helped me alot so if you have digestive or irregular gets the job done in a very natural way.
    oh i know its not dangerous and its not a "diet pill" lol but it just freaks me out ....lmao i'm OCD I think.... or a germafobe....I wont touch yogurt because of the thought of live bacteria going in me lol.... i'm a freak i kknow :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My 2 cents.

    The product may work......................NOW.

    But here are some of the by products of these get thin quick pills and potions. I have been around enough to see the end results from lesser to greater evils

    1. slow metabolism
    my body burns at a very slow rate, greatly due to my messign with the furnace for all those years

    2. kidney disease.
    I know someone on dialysis and the doc said this was due to a type of weight loss potion she was uses

    3. heart attack
    47 yr old woman, lost 20 pounds in 20 days. 2 months into it 2 days in ICU and a pace maker
    all attributed to diet pills

    4. More fat
    each time I used lets say hydroxycut, I lost 10 but as soon as I stopped I gained 20. Ending up with 60 addl pounds on my body.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Colon "cleanses" most certainly do not work because your body is a self-cleansing system. It's not really holding onto 15 lb. of "crud" but constantly move the old crud out of your body as new crud enters it.

    Your body is designed to work that way and it's not designed to have everything shoved out periodically.