Music4Hym777 Member


  • If I do eat chocolate, it is typically something right around the 80% mark (give or take a few percent). I dont eat chocolate too often, mostly one week a month (sorry if TMI)
  • Yes, I am debating protein powders right now. I know I need to get one, but I am probably the pickiest person in the world when it comes to protein powders. Prior to really becoming allergic to dairy, I used Designer Whey Natural. So I am hoping to find a soy or hemp or rice protein powder that tastes similar that I can…
  • Thanks for all the info. I tend to go higher carb with a completely vegan diet
  • Yeah, I know that I need to add in way more protein. I do workout regularly, mostly cardio right now, but do work out with a trainer occassionally. I think I got in a good amount today. I am a vegan due to allergies (I am allergic to almost every animal product).
  • No its fresh fruit (or frozen if I am throwing it in a smoothie) never sugars added, just the actual sugar in the fruits. If you look at my diary, you can see a ton of it in the breakfast and snack portions.
  • I try to follow more of an 70-15-15 or 80-10-10 diet. But not quite there all the time.
  • That is what I am hoping for, but I am trying to figure out if it is the fructose in the fruit or my poor diet over the past few weeks (before geting back on here) that is causing me to feel that I am gaining.
  • I typically eat anywhere from 5-10 servings of fruit a day. What about you?
  • Strength training doesnt burn a whole lot of calorie burn in the moment, but has a huge after burn. I agree with the person above and say to log it under Cardio
  • I am not a mom, but I say green smoothies. They are quick and easy and can be on the go in a cup with a straw. I love Starbucks cups for these.
  • I am not the hardest core of vegans out there (I have a cheat meal every once in awhile at a restaurant, but never bring it in the house). Yet, I agree that using your own fresh, raw ingredients is best. I hear ya though too on the being busy. I will admit that I keep Annie Chun's noodle bowls in my desk at work for those…
  • I agree with the person who said their trainer was worth 10x what they pay for him. I absolutely love mine and he is great. (yes, mine is male and I am female). I think it is a great idea to have a trainer on hand because they can always show you new things and also mine goes over my food too if I want to. Mine is great at…
  • I am glad that you are getting help from a therapist for your depression and stress. Sometimes it is hard. If you have only been eating 300-700 cal a day, I would actually make sure to see a dietician whom specializes in eating disorders as well (I am not saying that you have an eating disorder, but they have experience in…
  • Now my tummy only looks pregnant bloated after I have eaten dairy. Then I look 7mos pregnant
  • Hey All, My name is Monica, I have been vegetarian since 1999. I went Vegan in January of 2012 after watching Forks Over Knives as well as a friend kind of daring me to do it to bring my cholesterol down. I have been vegan ever since (okay I do have a cheat meal occasionally with dairy or eggs, but never meat due to…
  • My first question would be, what happens when you do eat them raw? Is it an allergy, intolerance, sensitivity? I get it. It could be one of the nutrients in there that is causing you some grief that is modified when cooked. I know for awhile raw apples caused me some major issues when I would eat them raw, but not when…
  • I like my Champion bras that you can get at TJ Maxx or Ross or Marshall's. My absolute favorite though, is Moving Comfort (usually around $40). I have 3 of each of these and use them for everything exercise related.
  • I definately like your points and I hope that you are able to get some help for your eating disorder. I am sorry that you are struggling like this.
  • I know that pain all to well. The sad part is that it doesnt stop me sometimes. I also get eczema too when I eat dairy. I have been vegan for 7 months and the longer I go, the more the reactions and sensitivities to the dairy come out.
  • There is an exercise on here that says "hiking - hills" thats what I put in.
  • It tells me that I am burning somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 for the hill walk that I do (usually about an hour)
  • Thank you for sharing your story. I do hope that you are getting help for your eating disorder. It is a scary road and I understand exactly how you feel. I think that this thread is trying to in some subtle ways combat eating disorders as they are a dangerous road. When you do eat to little you have a lot of side effects…
  • As an eating disorder therapist, I see it a lot and it makes me cringe as well when I hear people so proud that they ate so little. That I believe is the real reason that "diets dont work". If you deprive yourself so much, how in the world are you going to enjoy life??? Plus thinking about the side effects of the low…
  • Maxing it out at 195 at 33 should be okay (again not a doctor). At 25 I would routinely go up to 215-225 during intervals. I think that the 60% is not the best way to go and working closer to 80% all the time during cardio is actually a better tactic to take.
  • It really depends on you...heart rates can vary. I am really weird in that my heart rate will go about 100% sometimes upwards of 125% if I am doing HIIT. I think that 85% is fine unless you feel funky, but I would check with a doctor too if you are concerned.
  • What equipment do you have? A gym membership or just things around the house?