tissyhoward Member


  • Thank you for sharing your story! I have battled off and on with weight loss since having my children in the 90's. I am starting back up with MFP because it has been what was most successful for me in the past. I am hoping to get back on track and back to where I was just one year ago! I pulled something in my foot and…
  • First week and I am down 8lbs. I'm a little scared that went to quickly,but I have been exercising almost everyday and wasn't doing much other than work before.I am currently at 185 and I am hoping to be down to 160 by Halloweeen. That really shouldn't be a problem , that's only about 1lb a week.
  • I am new 2 MFP this sounds like a great group. I don't even own a scale however last Dr. Visit I weighed around 190. That was a couple weeks ago. I would love 2 be at 160 by Halloween. That way I can wear my old costume and make it look good. Good luck to all