Hot 4 Halloween



  • move257
    move257 Posts: 313
    I feel huge compared to some of you guys... So far I've lost 12lbs!!! Starting weight is 290 I'm 278 currently, by Halloween I'd like to be be 250 or lower if I can. Overall, my goal is 190 lbs or better!! Good luck to everyone!!
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Current Weight 185
    Goal Weight 165

    Good luck to all the ghosts and goblins!
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    Right now I'm 207. 15 weeks until Halloween. I hope to lose at least 15 pounds by then, but would be trying to lose 30 by then. So my main goal is 177 pounds, which would be 30 pounds but I would be happy at 192. :bigsmile:
  • amiers11
    amiers11 Posts: 33
    Goal: 190
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Starting weight 148. Goal weight 133. My final goal is at Christmas. I hope! Good luck everyone!
  • tissyhoward
    tissyhoward Posts: 3 Member
    I am new 2 MFP this sounds like a great group. I don't even own a scale however last Dr. Visit I weighed around 190. That was a couple weeks ago. I would love 2 be at 160 by Halloween. That way I can wear my old costume and make it look good. Good luck to all
  • rmh612
    rmh612 Posts: 6 Member
    Goal: 30lbs

    I would like to fit in my Navy Sailors outfit again.
  • nportiz
    nportiz Posts: 1 Member
    Starting weight: 265
    Goal by Halloween: 245

    I'm really trying to convince myself that "slow and steady wins the race" because this year I have lost 48 lbs and gained 52 (collectively) trying stupid fad diets and "quick weight loss" ideas. This slow and steady is new way of thinking for me, and I'm hoping I can keep my willpower going long enough to get to my goal of 165.
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    @nportiz I've been on the yo yo diet for years! I'm almost done with week two on mfp and even though I have a long way to go, I feel great! 11lbs down so far and counting! Good luck, and slow and steady is the healthy way to do this!!
  • pprriiss
    pprriiss Posts: 11 Member
    Hey count me in! Current weight: 253, H4H goal 220. 33 lb loss goal.
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    OMG Halloween is my favorite...We usually have a huge party (didn't last year because I was just getting over being sick), and I dress up as much as I can!

    I am at 198 right now- a snug size 16....My goal is 185, or a comfortable size 14.
  • Sappy320
    Sappy320 Posts: 77 Member
    Awesome Challenge! Current Weight: 199 Goal: 184 Average: 1 lb per week to get hot for halloween!
  • Starting weight - 170lb

    Hot for Halloween - 140lb

  • Blaineyyy
    Blaineyyy Posts: 151 Member
    Starting weight: 199lbs
    Goal weight: 175lbs, at least. 'cause I'm bad at estimating!

    Loss goal: 24lbs by Halloween :)
  • stacey522004
    stacey522004 Posts: 7 Member
    Current Weight: 204
    Goal by Halloween: 185
  • daniellexcara
    daniellexcara Posts: 114 Member
    Current Weight: 136
    Goal Weight: 120 by halloween :)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Starting weight: 227.8
    Halloween weight: 210!

    (I know I shouldn't push that hard, but why not try?)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Starting weight: 265
    Goal by Halloween: 245

    I'm really trying to convince myself that "slow and steady wins the race" because this year I have lost 48 lbs and gained 52 (collectively) trying stupid fad diets and "quick weight loss" ideas. This slow and steady is new way of thinking for me, and I'm hoping I can keep my willpower going long enough to get to my goal of 165.

    Don't stress too much. It does take forever, but it's worth it. I started off at 269 in March... and now I'm down to 227! I remember the relief I felt at 245... and then 235... and I bet it will be even better the further down I go! Good luck!
  • nochoa223
    nochoa223 Posts: 21
    im so happy that so many people are participating! feel free to add me or maybe we could all add each other to keep each other motivated through these next 15 weeks!! I know we can all reach our goals!
  • Goal for Halloween: fit into the cutsie Tinkerbell costume.... 25 or 30 more pounds should do it!!